Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Law (Romans 3)

I have been studying the book of Romans. I am in the third chapter and it really has so much in it! Amazing, to say the least!

One specific part I wanted to bring out was the part on the law. If you haven't already, look around the world today and more specifically look at the laws in the United States. This nation was a nation with laws and morals, but now what do we see? We see one law after another being passed that cuts off the stable, tried and true laws. My point to saying these things is, God gives to us laws that are black and white. He gave us them so that we may use them to guide us away from the evil and towards what is right. It's through man and his unwillingness to put to death his old nature that we get where we are today. We have so many different kinds of people living in this world and all of them have discovered (wither they or it or not) spirits and they have welcomed those spirits into their home because they like the way those spirits make them feel.

How did man discover these spirits? Through hurts and pains, through searching for something to fill a void inside them, through music they listened too, and the list goes on. We are humans who all long to feel something good inside of us. That's not a bad thing, but we must be mindful and careful of what we go to to make us feel good. God gave us laws and boundaries to help us to know when what we are feeling is either temporarily good or eternally good.

Man tries to hide the real laws because he wants to do his own will and not Gods. We try and hide it and think that we will get away with it, but God is not dumb! He knows and sees all and anyone who says or thinks otherwise is only keeping themselves blind to reality.

One of the many things that happens when the Law of the LORD is removed is a lost of convictions. We see this through schools. First, man removes praying in schools. Second, no teachers are allowed to teach their students biblical applications in public schools. Third, homosexuality is now becoming more and more welcomed and encouraged. Man removes laws because that law reveals something they don't want to know or care about.

I tell you what, we can try our hardest to try and remove and forget the laws God gave (and still gives to us), but we can only 'escape' for a time. We will one day stand before our Heavenly Father and we will have to answer for our actions.

God Bless!