Thursday, March 8, 2012

Draw Nigh to God

The question shouldn't be, "How close can I get to this world?", but, "how close am I to my Lord?"

James 4:8a (KJV) says, "Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you." Don't fill yourself with earthly things because they are all temporary and unsatisfying. You buy clothes or shoes and you find yourself having to buy replacements for them every couple of years. Is that what we want to be running after? One thing and a couple years later another thing? Running after the world and the things thereof is just like eating something with a lot of salt in it. It only leaves you craving for more and more and never truly satisfies you.

"Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away"  (Lk. 21:33, NIV). Fill yourself with our Heavenly Father and you'll experience a satisfaction that cannot be explained nor found in any worldly possessions. You'll discover that your understanding and idea of God is SO minute.

There will be a time where we all will meet Him face to face. Do you want to go before Him knowing that you ignored Him and ashamed that we didn't put much effort into your relationship with Him? or Do you want to go before Him knowing that He is pleased because you sought out what pleased Him and did it!?

"Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need" (Mt. 6:33, NLV). I want to encourage myself and everyone around me to keep your focus on Him. He has something special for each of us and we must seek in order to find it.

Just as this song goes: 
"We're Pressing On"
By: Norman Holmes

We're pressing on, 
Towards the goal of being like Christ. 
We've heard the call, forsaking all. 
We run towards the prize. 

Looking unto Jesus 
Looking face to face.
Through the finish line,
To go within the veil,
And be perfect in His grace.

God Bless you all!