Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Love of the Lord

What are your actions? What are your attitudes? How are you speaking?

I want you to really consider these questions. As you see how you treat and view others you learn that it connects with how you view or treat yourself and more importantly God.

If you feel low (not in a humble type way) about yourself, then it will be hard to think highly about others or God. You only see things in a low view and treat things in a low way.

You can learn about how your relationship with the Lord really is by looking at yourself. What are your actions towards others, your attitudes about anything, or how you are speaking to others or about them.

We give what we have and if I am giving bad attitudes that means I have not surrendered that to God. I want, and I hope you do to, to give people the love of the Lord. Not criticism, nothingness, or strife.

As one of my favorite songs goes: "I will love you with the love of the Lord! For I can see in you, His love shining through. I will love you with the love of the Lord!"

God Bless!