Tuesday, March 31, 2015

To Delight or Not to Delight, That is Your Choice

"Delight yourself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart." Psalm 37:4

I believe one of the reasons this Psalmist wrote "delight yourself" is because delighting is a choice and often times it's not in the top 5 choices. What we choice to delight in often reveals what it rock is. We must examine, daily, the things we choose to delight in. See how stable our ways are.

Do we delight too much in food, games, social media, tv, etc? I am not listening these few things to condemn people because I struggle too with delighting too much in some of them. My point is, choosing to delight is not a one time confession. It is a daily confession because each day is a new day and with new struggles, trials, and temptations. A dear friend once told me that delighting to do God's will is often developed later on. It isn't always a beginning decision. However, as we do it in obedience and keep an open heart without bitterness or rebellion, we will soon learn the delight.

So when you find yourself not delighting always, don't persecute yourself for it, but know that if you are obedient and maintain an open heart, delight will creep in and take root in your heart. If we don't, then bitterness and rebellion will creep in and consume us.

God bless!