Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Discernment (Hebrews 4:12)

"For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."          Hebrews 4:12

We are living in a time where we need to have an increasing of discernment. There will be the Anti-Christ who will arise and will deceive many people through beauty, prosperity, and by promising many other worldly treasures. We must dig into the Word so that we may eat of the Bread of Life. This Bread is not only life, but truth and we must eat this truth so that it may dwell within us. We must know the truth so that we may be able to discern what is false once it has come!

Once we have discerned what is false we must avoid it and not mess around with it! If you play with the false it will eventually gasp a hold of you and take over you. It's not that it's just false, but it's a Spirit and if you mess around with the false you are messing around with a Spirit. That is dangerous and can lead you down a road of destruction.

"For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword" The words in the Bible were planned, by God, before the word was created. He has these exact words in the Bible and they carry a power that is sharper then a two-edged sword. If you actually take time to read Gods word daily and open your heart to listen and feel the meaning of the words you can also feel a power. What is that power? It is the Spirit of the Lord that is in the words. Words are so important! I do believe that there are Spirits behind each word and that Gods Word is filled with the Holy Spirit.

Gods word is "piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit". When we read it, it also pointing on an area of your heart that needs to be dealt with. This is one reason why many people don't read their bibles! They want to think in their minds that they are a good Christian, but they don't want to read Gods word which will point to an area of their life where they need to deal with [such as an idol]. We need to love the word and be open to that piercing. If you want to please your Heavenly Father, then allow His to touch areas of your life through His piercing word.

God Bless!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

We are living in a time where the enemy is VERY active! We need to realize what power God has given to us. This great power is called prayer! By prayer we can move the mountains and the enemy knows what great power there is in prayer. He trys to destroy that power or prevent us from using this power by causing us to think doubts and have little faith. Praying without believeing (without faith) that God is listening and will bring this to past in season is a waste of time. We must speak with our lips, believe with our hearts, and know in our minds that He will answer!

Through prayer we can also learn to hear Gods voice. This is another reason why Satan does not want us to pray. If we listen and learn to know Gods voice he cannot trick us. Satan uses the worldliness a lot of times to speak to us and we must learn and know what voice is speaking! He need to listen to when He sayes: "NO!", "not yet", and "it's time". Prayer is one key to learning how to hear and know God's voice.

Everyone has a question and everyone that has a question wants to have an answer. If we have a question we must ask God through prayer and continue to ask until He responds! He doesn't want us to stay in a pitt of confussion so if you believe that you've allowed the enemy to speak that into you! Don't believe that because God is ALL KNOWING and He wants us to know the answers! Pray, seek through His Word so that you may know the truth and that it may set you free!

God wants to bless us (Ps. 68:19), He wants us to choose to do that which is pleasing to Him (Is. 56:4), to receive the enternal He has choosen for us (Is 56:4), to come to Him when we are weary and burden so that He may give us rest (Mt. 11:28), He wants us to know Him and He you (Jer. 24:7), to provide for you in perfect season (Dt. 11:14).

Begin praying for yourself. Not for selfish or worldly things, but for breakthroughs, peace, and strength etc. As you start out praying for yourself allow God to use you to lift up others to Him! Sacrifice you time to Him in prayer and allow Him to use you to pray for others!
