Sunday, July 3, 2011

We are living in a time where the enemy is VERY active! We need to realize what power God has given to us. This great power is called prayer! By prayer we can move the mountains and the enemy knows what great power there is in prayer. He trys to destroy that power or prevent us from using this power by causing us to think doubts and have little faith. Praying without believeing (without faith) that God is listening and will bring this to past in season is a waste of time. We must speak with our lips, believe with our hearts, and know in our minds that He will answer!

Through prayer we can also learn to hear Gods voice. This is another reason why Satan does not want us to pray. If we listen and learn to know Gods voice he cannot trick us. Satan uses the worldliness a lot of times to speak to us and we must learn and know what voice is speaking! He need to listen to when He sayes: "NO!", "not yet", and "it's time". Prayer is one key to learning how to hear and know God's voice.

Everyone has a question and everyone that has a question wants to have an answer. If we have a question we must ask God through prayer and continue to ask until He responds! He doesn't want us to stay in a pitt of confussion so if you believe that you've allowed the enemy to speak that into you! Don't believe that because God is ALL KNOWING and He wants us to know the answers! Pray, seek through His Word so that you may know the truth and that it may set you free!

God wants to bless us (Ps. 68:19), He wants us to choose to do that which is pleasing to Him (Is. 56:4), to receive the enternal He has choosen for us (Is 56:4), to come to Him when we are weary and burden so that He may give us rest (Mt. 11:28), He wants us to know Him and He you (Jer. 24:7), to provide for you in perfect season (Dt. 11:14).

Begin praying for yourself. Not for selfish or worldly things, but for breakthroughs, peace, and strength etc. As you start out praying for yourself allow God to use you to lift up others to Him! Sacrifice you time to Him in prayer and allow Him to use you to pray for others!



  1. Very Good Rebecca! I enjoyed reading this...also, love your new background...
