Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Tide is Turning!

Lately, in our church services, God has been speaking to us of the tide that is turning. When God repeats Himself, then it is most definitely important and we must listen, obey, and believe.

What does it mean, "The tide is turning?". It means, that the waves are going the opposite direction of what it once was going. Sometimes, when the tide turns, it changes slowly and other times it changes quickly and forcefully. We have no control over when it will happen or how it will happen [slowly/quickly]. Our Creator is the only one who does know and He warns His people. That is why we must be listening patiently, obedient to what He tells us (both corp. and personally), and believe that what He says is true.

Three biblical examples:
1.) Noah - He listened to what God said, he showed his trust and obedience by preparation (building the ark, warning the people, gathering the animals), and he believed that what God said to Him will come to past. It took years and years, but He remained faithful, obedient, patient, and loyal to his Lord. He waited patiently and suddenly the tide turned and the rain came down just like the Lord had told Him. This had to of been stressful to Noah; hearing all the cries of the people he warned. It was a drastic change, but the Lord was faithful to His obedient servants and He watched over them.

2.) Joseph - He experienced the life of a prisoner for many years. He lived in darkness for a long time, but that did not stop Joseph from trusting the Lord. Suddenly, the tide had turned for Joseph. In an instant he was free from prison and living in the palace. The Lord watched over him while he was in prison and Joseph prepared himself and waited and was ready for that sudden change. We must learn from this that we don't know the time, but what we do need to know is are we ready? When that tide does turn will we be found ready? or will we be found a waster of time?

3.) The man who was made whole (Jn. 5:2-9) - for 38 years this man lived in this condition, but one day without knowing what was going to happen, suddenly the tide turned for him and Jesus made this man whole.

The Lord has spoken that the tide is turning and we must believe. If you don't, then pray the prayer of the father in Mark 9:24b, "... Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief." There's a short song we sing in our church and I want to end this blog by sharing the lyrics with you all and trust that the Spirit that we accepted into our hearts will make these words alive to you all:

"The Tide is Turning"
Author: Sarah Humpherys

The tide is turning
And His Glory is coming
Healing streams will Flow
We believe the tide is turning now

God Bless!

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