Thursday, July 19, 2012

Staying Hydrated in the Word

I just returned from my missions trip to Shiroles, Costa Rica. While I was there the Lord taught me a lot of things. One thing I'd like to share is on hydration. For those of you who have never been to Costa Rica or may not know much about this country, here are some brief facts about the climate. The nation's climate is classically divided into two major seasons: rainy and dry. The dry season runs from January through May and the rainy season from May to November and December. Locally, the seasons were named by the early Spanish colonizers, who compared them to their own Mediterranean climate, calling the dry months "verano" or summer, and the rainy, grey and gloomy months "invierno" or winter. It is interesting to note that some of the coldest temperatures are registered during the early dry season or "summer". Lastly, it is very easy to lose your hydration even during the rainy season. While I was in Costa Rica, I did not keep up on drinking water and so I became dehydrated.

The Lord taught me a valuable lesson through this experience. The lady missionary informed me that most Americans live on a mild dehydration and they don't realize it. The thing that Jesus spoke to me is that, many of His people are living on a mild dehydration of His Word and they don't realize it. I was amazed when Jesus opened my eyes to see this. It is so very important, especially in this day and age we live in, to stay hydrated in His word.

Revival is drawing near and God needs a prepared people. Those who are ready, properly equipped for their calling, prepared, and hydrated. You cannot win anything if you are dehydrated, weak, and unfamiliar with the equipment you are to wear and use. Before and during revival many people are going to have their eyes opened up to how thirsty they are. We are to have enough in ourselves so that we are able to be full cisterns; ready to be used to pour out into the lives of those who are lacking. They aren't going to know what they are lacking and so we, God's people, will need to help them and supply them with what they need.

People who don't know or understand things will be coming into the church and we must be prepared. If we are empty vessels, then it only makes sense that the Lord cannot use us. We want to be prepared vessels that the Lord can use continually.

How do we make sure that we are hydrated and prepared vessels for the Lord? By setting a pattern of filling ourselves up before each day begins, allowing God to pour that water out to other people throughout the day, filling ourselves up with pure worship, allowing God to pour that out. Listening to contemporary music and ready the modern fantasy books are just like one drinking a cup of coffee. When you drink coffee there is a lot of water that exits your body. The same happens to our spiritual body when we listen to modern music and read modern books. Maybe you are reading God's word daily, but what are you also taking in that counteracts it?

I share this with you because I want to encourage everyone to stay hydrated in the Word of God daily! Help each other to set a pattern and to stay on that pattern. There's times where I need reminded to drink water and that applies also in our Spirit lives. Learn from our Master, apply to your life, and then go and teach others what you have learned. There are battles and if you find the battle is to strong for you to fight, then cry out to God for His grace to drink of His word.

God Bless!

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