Sunday, September 2, 2012

"Greater is He that is in me, then he that is in the world!"

What is the one thing man-kind has been doing sense the first sin was down? It's running away from God because of fear. We cannot hide anywhere in this world from Him! God is not deceived, like man. I say, just take the easier road and open up your heart to Him. All He has is plans to prosper us, not to harm us (Jer. 29:11). We do something do something wrong and we sin and try to hide it so that God cannot see it. He never sleeps nor does He slumber! He knows and loves us! We can cry out to Him at all hours of the day/night. He has a plan for us and us hiding those shameful things will cause us to continue to stumble and fall. He wants to help us remove it, to get out of the snares we fell into, so that we can continue to press on further into the things He planned for us.

We are born weak, but He has the strength for us. It's new everyday and He has it and waits for us to ask Him for it. One thing about God is that He doesn't just ask, ask, and ask from us, but He asks and then has the supplies ready for us. Funny thing is, all we need to do is ASK :-D (ask, seek, and knock).

"Greater is He [God] that is in me, then he [the enemy(s)/man-kind] that is in the world!"

Do you believe it? God supplies us with the power and victory before the battle has even started! "If God is for us, who can stand against us?" The answer is, NO ONE!!! Do you believe it?

I do not wish to hear God say to His army, "Oh ye of little faith..", but I wish to have the kind of faith that can move mountains! God has it and can supply it to us all and wants to. Do you believe? "Lord, I believe! Help my unbelief!"

Arise ye children and press on ye young men, raise up the army of God ye Fathers of Zion! Let us press onward and Never, Never, Never Give up!!!

I pray for those who read this blog and hesitate to say, "Yes, I believe..Amen!" That you would "test" God and open up your hearts, even if it may hurt. Open up your heart and see what God does in your life! May God increase your faith and may we press on towards Mount Zion!

God Bless!

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