Friday, June 28, 2013

Judgment Is Coming Upon This Nation!

Recently we have heard news concerning gay marriages and gender changers. This only reveals to us more and more of how far America has trotted away from the nation it once was, under God! Many people even go as far as to denying that it ever was a nation founded under God.

When Israel forsook Gods law, He forsook them; Even as Solomon who forsook Gods law, and Rehoboam who forsook His law – God forsook them. God raised up enemies against them and brought judgments against them. Even now we see that this is a nation that is on trial.

Know that the decisions that are being made in this country by the judges and the counselors - they shall answer to God the King of kings and the Lord of Host. This judgment is coming upon this nation because of the judgments that have been made. Even now God is stirring up enemies that will come against this nation. Even now God is preparing judgments against this nation; and He is looking to the church and speaks to His church to prepare a covering, that they would prepare an "ark"; that they would prepare themselves for a time of trouble. To be a place of refuge in a time of storm. For truly God is judging this nation, a nation that is forsaking His law and is forsaking His way, and a nation that is called by His name.

We are living in difficult times! I want to encourage the saints to not give in. Don't compromise and give up eternal things to accept sin. Wars are never easy! Saint of God, be bold, be strong, for the Lord of Host is with You! Be not afraid or dismayed, but walk in faith and victory. Christ did not come and die on the cross so that we can accept sin, but He came to pay the price of sin so that we can be made free from bondage (sin). Don't back track and accept sin. We are to accept the sinner, but despise the sin. 

God bless,
Thank you for reading my blog!

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