Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Find Out Gods Will And Do It!

I saw an ad online yesterday and it said this, “Would you earn your degree if you qualified for a Grant? Turn passion into profession” May Christ be our passion and may that passion be our profession. He has supplied us with all that we need; we just need to do our part of the “job”.

Are we doing the things we are supposed to be doing? God does not want us to look at others and envy what they have. He doesn’t want His people to look at others prospering and desire their prosperity. He desires us to be rich in Heavenly treasures, but not of other peoples treasures. We are created for a purpose and we must set our eyes on finding out what that purpose is and fulfill it!

Part of the prophecy that a lady gave in our church service last Wednesday talked about us and how we were created for such as a time as this. Like Esther—she went through preparation to accomplish the will of God for her time and generation. Gods will for Esther, it would affect the city and her people. God gives grace and strength in the exact time that we need it. We must remember that we were created for a time such as this.

Gods Will is that:
--All to be saved
--All to grow and mature
--All to be filled in the knowledge of His ways
--To be sanctified and make holy
--To be thankful

All to be saved: Romans 10:1-3
What am I doing about witnessing to those around me?
-          This isn’t meaning that all have the evangelist calling, but that we have a part to play in bring some to Christ. Whether through our day to day actions, how we speak to others, etc.
-          (Rms. 10:1-3) We can have a zeal to do things for God, but if it is not done according to His rules and according to His will, it is valueless and void. Israel had a tremendous zeal for the law, but it was not according to God’s righteousness. They were ignorant of God's righteousness which came through faith in Christ. They were trying to establish their own righteousness. This is not a problem unique to Israel, it is also a problem everywhere in the Church world.
-          Many in the Church seek to establish their own righteousness, and because of that, they have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God. many Christians fall into this snare. We have to submit to the will of God in order to be approved by God. God might say to us, “My will for you is to do such and such a thing.” We cannot reply, “No, I want to do something else for You.” In doing so we would find at the end of our lives that all our works would be void, and there would be no reward awaiting us. People want to work for God and do something for God, but on their own terms. We cannot choose the kind of ministry we want, or decide where we want to serve Him. We have to play by God's rules, not our own. Otherwise we will lose in the game of life.

All to grow and mature: Matthew 15:25-30; John 15
What am I doing to grow and mature in Christ?
-          What we have already, are we investing in it so that it grows and the fruit in us is maturing?
-          The five talents (Mt. 15:25-30) – God is pleased when we invest and we strengthen and grow in what He has already given to us. Those who do not do anything with what they are given will wither and die away and as John 15 tells us, the branches that do not bring forth fruit are cut off and cast away.
-          God often times gives us desires to help motivate us. If we are motivated then we are moving forward and that is what we must be doing—pressing on towards the goal, reach highest and depths in God that no one has ever known.
-          One burning desire that is in my heart is that what God already has in our leadership will not die away with them. The growth and maturity that we have today in Zion, I want this generation to take that growth and maturity to a whole new level. Not like the children of Israel where the whole generation died out and a new generation started.

All to be filled in the knowledge of His ways: Romans 10:1-3; Hosea 4:6
What am I doing to be filled in the knowledge of His ways?
-          How do we know? By reading the rama word that He has given to us
-          (Rms. 10:1-3) Israel was destroyed through the lack of knowledge (Hos. 4:6). This is a problem in the Church today. We must have a knowledge of God's ways in order to please Him.

To be sanctified and make holy
What am I doing to be make holy and sanctified unto God?
-          Sanctified means “to be clean”
-          Holy means “to be dedicated or consecrated to God; (of a person) “to be devoted to the service of God”
-          In order to be clean and consecrated to God we must be set apart or separated from what those in the world are doing?
o   Drinking
o   Swearing
o   Saying perverse things
o   Looking at wrong things
-          Being sanctified and holy boils down to: Gods will verses Mans will
o   We must make sure that we do not allow our self to be filled back up with the filth of the old mans nature.
o   The amazing thing that many of us are prone to forget is that the old nature is not dead, but it is on the cross. We can take it down whenever we want and walk with that nature anytime we choose to.
-          "Whom have I in heaven but You [Jesus]? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides You. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." Psalm 73:25-26
o   When this is a reality in my life, nothing else compares to Jesus. This is the kind of heart that God is looking for.

To be thankful
What am I doing/saying? Am I thanking God?
-          It takes 30 days to make something a habit. It is good to start the day thanking God for what He will do and ending the day with thanking Him for the things that He has done!
-          All throughout scripture we see it says to give thanks and sing praises unto the Lord. Through giving thanks and praising the name of Jesus there is an impartation of strength that can help us through what we are going through.
-         "For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things. Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God. And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight." 1 John 3:20-22
o   It pleases the Father we He sees His children coming to Him and asking. He wants to give to us the answers, the wisdom, the keys, the victories, the grace, etc…It also pleases Him when we choose to thank Him when things are going good and when things appear to be going bad.
o   The Christian walk isn't about doing our own thing, but it is about keeping Gods favor upon our life. That is only accomplished by laying down our will and our lives and fulfilling the call and purpose God has upon our lives. That is after all what we have been created for--for a time such as this!

***We want to stand complete in the will of God!  The decisions you make will effect where you will be in eternity. I want to be as close to my Lord as possibly can be!

So in closing, what my father always tells me is that: “At the end of the day the only thing that matters is what is He saying and am I doing it?”

God bless!

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