Monday, November 18, 2013

Four What's to Consider in our Walk

What do you want you want out of salvation?

We pray and seek the Lord that revival would come, but do our actions show our prayers to be true or empty and false? If we want to bring glory and exalt His name, then we do that by living each day obeying what God says to us. We aren't just listening, but we are putting things to action in our daily walk. Pushing forward can only occur when we release the past.

I read this quote once, “Hours and days will surely pass, but we can direct them purposefully and productively.” We can only direct them purposefully and be productive when we do what is required of us. Seeking Him early in the morning is when we can find out what we are to do. Walking with the Spirit throughout the day is how we find out what is required of us. 

God doesn't force anyone to obey and do His will. So I ask you again, what do you want out of your salvation?

What are you holding on to? What are you doing?

We might be holding on to something that is preventing us from drawing closer to God. 

The sacrifices of God are a broken and a contrite spirit. Obedience is what God asks for. It’s not so much the outward things that we do that pleases Him, but it’s our heart. When He asks us to do something and we obey Him, that is showing Him our love. Letting our own hearts be broken from our own will. Our will is what will take us off the path; our own will, our own ways, our own plans. But if we will have a broken spirit and a broken heart, and obey His voice, then we will stay on the path.”

When God speaks it is important, but when He repeats it is vital that we listen and obey. If we do not obey, then we are sinning. One who has an enlarged heart is one who has allowed God to empty them of their own desires and wants and filled them up with His desires and wants for them. If we truly want this, then we must stop holding on to things or doing things that God wants us to release. To have enlarged hearts we must be emptied of clutter. 

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not."   John 1:1-5

If we hold on to something, then it is as a door that we are locking on Christ. It is an area in our life that the Living word (Christ) and the written Word cannot shine through. Allow His word to penetrate us—meet the Living Word through the written Word.

I ask you now, what are you holding on to? Or I should say, what is holding you back from drawing closer to God?

Where are you going? 

If we want to finish this race strong, then we have to know where we are going first. We don’t just run and hope that you’ll get there. 

Are you running away from the call just as Jonah tried to run away from what God told Him to do? Do not try escape the call because it will follow you your whole life!

To study grace is very interesting. Grace is a person just as the Holy Spirit is a person. Grace follows wherever the Lord goes and if God tells you to go and you stay, there will be no grace with you. The grace that is of God will go where God goes regardless of whether or not you go or stay. We must have direction from God and we must obey! God holds us up when we are walking in obedience just as He did for Peter. He was given direction and when he was obedient and leaped out, in faith, and walked on the water, Christ held him up with His arms. In Christ arms we can feel the His love and joy, which are two things that strengthen us.

Some of you may know what the call of God is upon your life, but there are many out there who do not or not totally sure about what area of ministry they are called to. Don’t stop seeking God because He wants us to know so that we have direction. Without a vision we will parish. A lot of our trials that we go through help us to understand better what kind of ministry God has for us.

What is the Commander and Chief calling you to do? 

Are you seeking to find out or are you just running and holding tight to meaningless and useless things?
I would encourage you to cry out to God and ask Him: "Lord, would You give me Your desires. Give me Your grace to let go of those thing(s) that I am holding on to that You want me to let go of. God would open my eyes and ears; give me direction and give me Your faith to do what is required of me."

God Bless!

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