Sunday, November 27, 2011

This is a small post, but it is to be an encouragement to you

A couple weeks ago I quit my job and God provided me with my 'dream job'. There was a two week gap between quitting my old job and beginning my new on. During those couple weeks God brought me through many things. I went through three specific things: discouragement, Did I do the right thing by quitting my old job so soon?, attacks on my mind, and sorrow. God was so WONDERFUL in opening my eyes to hear what He was saying through it all! I would get discourage, but God would come in with strength and truth. I would have a million things in my mind causing me to be SO confused and left in a snare. God would bring in upon a friends heart to pray and call me to encourage me. I would have sorrow because I have no money to go out and do stuff with my friends or even  friends to go out and do stuff with because they are either at work or in school. God brought me home my little sister for a couple days to cheer me up.

I tell you these things because I want your eyes to be open too. God is not human! He can be everywhere at once and never sleeps or slumbers. We sometimes get trapped in a human mind and forget that God is not us! He is NEVER too busy for us! He wants us to learn more about Him and He about us. There is Grace for every trial! There is grace for everything and all we need to do is cry out for it!

Open your mind to hear when God is saying to you, "Cry out for my grace now!" He sees what is ahead and wants us to pass through every trial alive and stronger!

One last thing I have to say as an encouragement. TALK MORE ABOUT WHAT GREAT THINGS GOD HAS DONE FOR YOU!!!! As it was Thanksgiving last week, God has been continually speaking to me, "Listen to what my people have to say. Learn from their experience and allow me to use you to speak to them!"

Amen :-)
God Bless

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