Sunday, October 9, 2011

We are called to be Christ-like! We are in this world, not to be of it, but to show them what they cannot see. To show them that life on earth isn't forever and that they're walking on a path that leads to eternal death. As Christians we tend to fear the world more then our Lord and it prevents us from speaking the truth to others around us. We must sacrifice our fears and take that step out in faith, with hope, and with love! God is speaking to me about how He wants me to practice these three things more and more! We need faith and what is faith? Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of the Lord. Now what's hope? Hope is taking that step out without knowing what is going to happen, but believing God's in control of this! And Love is what we need to be able to do the first two for someone whom we don't even know. We must take that first step of faith, when we hear from God, and continue in hope, in the middle of the trial where we don't seem to hear anything, but are hopeful, and then Love for the one we are doing it for!

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