Monday, January 9, 2012

My Jehovah Jireh

Sense 2012 has begun God has been speaking to me everyday! It really is amazing and I hope that I will be able to explain it all so that you can connect things and understand it all.

God opened my eyes up to the little things! Learn the little things! Little things that please Him and continually do them. Make them a habit in your life. One of these little things for me is listening to the songs God gives to me to prepare and strengthen me for the new day that He has given to me. I found that as I would bag the customers groceries and they weren't talkative I would suddenly have a song in me.

Another thing God has been speaking repeatedly to me this year is Seek Me, be obedient to My Word and trust in Me. He wants me to seek Him more and more so that He can know me more and I Him. He wants to speak to me, to guide me, and to save me from snares and unnecessary bondage's. Disobedience towards Gods law causes a bondage over our lives. God gives us commandments because He sees the whole picture. Those commandments were give to us so that we may be saved from bondage's, pits, and snares. When we make that choice to be obedient we must trust in Him. When He speaks to me and I see it impossible, hard to do (because of fear of man), or what He asks does not make sense to me. He asks me to simply put my trust wholly upon Him. He is not man, who disappoints us all the time, but He is always there! "He will not let your foot slip--he who watches over you will not slumber;" (Psalm 121:3)

Thirdly, God has been teaching me about His presence. Showing me all the requests that have been placed at His altar and that I must enter into His presence. It's in His presence that these requests are fulfilled, that healing is given, joy, strength is renewed, true peace given, imparting of His love, and the restoration of faith. I lately have felt that God wants me to come to church now with expectations. I want something, but I late faith of it happening because I never come with an expectation that He can/will do it. I usually think about camps and long for those moments of meeting with God, but I never expect those things to happen at church. I have gone to church services now with expectations and God has been 100% faithful in meeting those expectations. I share these things because I want to encourage whoever ends up reading. God wants to meet with us!

Think of it like this: You're at work and you have a team meeting and the purpose of this meeting is here the thoughts of the employees. Everyone shows up and the boss sits down and asks them what their thoughts are and everyone just sits there starring at him. Kind of awkward, wouldn't you agreed? That's how I see church now. We all gather together to meet with God, He comes, but we have brought nothing and expect nothing. He can do nothing until we talk to Him and tell Him what we expect. He is always faithful and meets those expectations. When God has immediately answered/meet our expectations, what do you do? Give up? or press in harder? When God gives it to us strength is given and when He doesn't immediately answer/give we still are strengthened in a different way.

Last, the one that continually brings such joy to me. God - Jehovah Jireh! He has been SO faithful at being my Jehovah Jireh - LORD MY PROVIDER. The end of last year He gave me a new job, He is taking care of the plans for my trip this July to Costa Rica, and He is providing me with hours at work that I need. I have been at my job for six weeks and they usually want us to stay in that position for at least three months. My team leader already has approached me and talked to me about moving me to a better position.

We must get to the point of complete surrendering to Him! In the movie "Soul Surfer" one point in the movie sticks with me. The youth leader was speaking to the youth and she was talking about "Perspective". God has the whole picture/plan laid out before Him. All we have are the past pictures and bits and pieces of the future, through promises and prophecy's. Surrender yourself fully to God! It's the least one can do. He gave us His Sons life and all He asks is that we believe, are obedient, and completely surrender our trust to Him.

Many are called and chosen, but few are found faithful. Do you hear the call of the Master? He is biding His people to come. Come into His presence and we will be changed! He is faithful!

God Bless!


  1. Great blog and great post! I'm so happy to read good news from so far away, haha. Many blessings!!!

  2. Thank you Josue! God Bless you too :-)
