Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years

Recently, I was given a book that was written by a man who once was in prison. It's a devotional filled with biblical stories and real life testimonys. I'm reading it so that I can better understand what thoughts may be going through a prisoners mind.

The first devotion was on 'Rescuing Love'. While reading this devotional God pointed out/reminded me of a couple things.

First, that God had one Son, Jesus. He loved me SO much that He sent His only Son to this earth to walk through the trials we all would one day walk through and face death with my sins on that cross. He died and rose again!

Second, this one brought hurt at first because it opened my eyes to what I was not doing. That was the importance of witnessing. I am humbled by the fact that He can witness to the lost souls and yet He offers to me the chance to offer unto others that chance of new life.

Taking you back to the devotional, he told a story of a man who committed a crime and was sent back to prison. This man sat in his sell and thought about life and wanted to end it. He found no point and so he began to tie his bed sheets to hang himself. While he was tying the sheets to the bar he heard a voice that said, "Wait!". He untied his sheets and went to bed. The next day he received a letter from the wife of the director of the rehab center he committed the crime at. She wrote to him about God and how He loves him, can forgive him, and transform his life. She offered him a Bible, which he excepted. He read the whole book of John and afterwards that same voice that said, "Wait!" spoke to him again. This voice was God telling Him how much He loves him. Told him how He sent is only Son to die and that He can give to him life both now and for eternity.

When I read that it really slapped me in the face! God gives us people at appointed times and if we ignore them, then God will choose someone else. He offers the chance to us and if we continue to deny those opportunities He will use someone else. OUCH! That's what I feel! I want God to be able to use me at any time and any place! I pray that my heart would continually be the heart of God. May I see the people crying out and may I not be afraid to take their hand and show them the way! God reached out His loving hands to me and I want to do the same!

If you don't know about God I pray that He would catch your heart and that you would one day have a relationship with Him. He is my light and my life! He gives me grace through every trial, hope when times are dry, and peace with times are an uproar, joy when sorrow surrounds me, and love when I feel all alone.

God Bless!

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