Sunday, February 2, 2014

Heat and Pressure on Max

Lately, the Lord has been turning up the heat and pressure in my life. It seemed, in the beginning, to be ridiculously hard, but now I have doubts about this. It's only ridiculously hard when I try and fulfill God's will in my own strength. I need His strength and His grace to go through it and endure to the end of it all. God does not bring us through trials to crush us and destroy us. He brings us through the fiery furnace to try us and to burn away all the meaningless things that are attached to us. His works have a perfect purpose, it's to make us tried and true.

I felt (I sometimes still do) overwhelmed by it all. I want to encourage all who read this, Don't give up! Keep pressing in because God does not make us go through things we cannot handle. His work is perfect and all His ways are just! Submit, be obedient, keep and treasure His commandments within your hearts. Sometimes I just sit and cry because of how overwhelmed I feel, but that's okay, God wants to hear our hearts. Tell God how you feel and allow Him to come and speak to you in your circumstances. He wants us to know Him even more through each experience He brings us through. If we go through a trial and come out not knowing anything more about God, then I would be worried. We want to go through those trials, meet with God and have an encounter with Him.Coming out of the wilderness leaning on our Beloved (Jesus Christ) and having an experience that the enemy cannot possibly take away from us.

Looking at one other reason why we want to go through the heat and pressure is because God wants and needs to enlarge us now. When revival comes there will only be more and more pressure and heat. Those who already have the light and know Jesus will have no rest because they will be busy taking care of those who are lost and desperately looking for the right way. God needs to expand us more and more to be able to hand the pressure that He knows we are going to go through during this end revival. I don't want to say, "No more Lord!" I must go on and press in and endure to the end.

Press in with all of your strength, don't give up for God is here! He is here. He's always near. He won't let go, so don't you fear!

God bless!

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