Friday, January 31, 2014

Imparting of More New Faith

Today our church gathered together to pray for revival. One of the ladies shared something with the congregation and it really hit me on the forehead along with a "duh" after it. One of the many keys to obtaining a breakthrough in our life is, asking God to impart His faith in us. Just as Peter couldn't take the leap out of the boat and onto the water without Jesus' faith, the same it is with us. We cannot do it on our own, but we need Him to draw us and impart His faith within us. Having faith to see what once appeared to be a mountain before us, is now a small and conquerable hill/bump.

I sometimes wondered why I didn't have a fire within my heart as much as others did. Now I am learning that it is because I lacked asking God to make it real to me. Revival is something many long for, but is it really real in you? Is there a burning fire of desperation to see God move personally, locally and corporately? There should be and the only way there can be is when we ask for that fire. God can give us that faith and He can help us to expect something new. Not holding on to the old experiences, but having open hands and hearts to receive new faith for something new.

God is lately, impressing on my heart to ask Him more. I never really understood what that meant until now. I only saw it in the light of mine own eyes. Now, I realize that God wants me to ask Him more questions and to find out what His mind is in more areas of my life. It's not quantity so much, but it is learning to ask and be dependent more and more on Him. I must learn to start asking God, more and more, for His imparted faith. Also, allowing the faith, which is already imparted in me, to grow and come to a greater maturity.

God bless!

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