Monday, March 24, 2014

We are the Joshua Generation!

I had the thought today on Joshua Generation. We are the Joshua Generation. What does this mean? How does this affect us? Well, it affects us more than I think we really realize. We are a generation that will bring us in to a new move of God. In order for this to happen we need to be molded, shaped, and formed in to someone who can be not only bold and courageous, but someone who can handle the great pressure and mantle that God wants to bestow on us. I get these words:

We are the Joshua Generation
With boldness and courage
We must press in with our all
No more turning back!

You have given promises to us
The land and heathen
We will fight with our all
For You are our All in all!

We cannot become stronger if we keep going back to our old bad habits. We must shake that old dust off of us, no longer touch it, and strive to move on. We cannot be conquerors if we have our hands full with vain things. We have to let them go and allow God to take things out of our lives (even if they are good). We must give Him our all so that He can be our All in all. 

I want to encourage those who read this: do not reminisce on things of the past. Whether they were good or bad, whether you regret or want to relive, do not look back. We want to have minds that are willing to be changed. Do not hold on to an old mindset for it will eventually shut the Holy Spirit down and limit God in your own life. Out with the old and in with the new. The biggest opponents to revivals are those who experienced the old revivals. Why? because they wanted to experience the old revival and see a repeat of that, but God is greater than repeats. He is able to greater things than that which has already occurred. Let go of your mindset (I am not saying to go free and wild with your thoughts); allow the Holy Spirit to be free in you to do new and greater things. 

May you be encouraged and seek to know more and not settle with the old!
God bless!


  1. Hi, Rebecca
    Its Gordon Smoker from Penn Yan, I am trying to get a hold of your dad but I am unable to leave a comment on his blog, and it looks like you post more frequently. Tell him I just put my email in his subscription list. I trust all is well with you. I enjoyed your writings.

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