Wednesday, April 16, 2014

He is in Complete Control!

A missionary spoke at my church tonight and what she said left a great impression on me. It makes so much sense and yet is the greatest debate and doubt that dwells within most human beings who believe in God. Her words were simply this:

"Either God is in control or He is not in control!" - Audrey Kropf

The enemy is like a thief that comes in to steal. He comes to steal what seems so important and what we make to be our stability. However, once he does this, he also steals our peace. If we have our trust and our hope in God, then we will not put so much value and importance on earthly things. Another great thing that this missionary said was this, "If the enemy comes to steal, then it is because God is the one who has allowed it." Therefore, we do not need to lose our peace because God is in complete control even from before time was created.

Are you willing to follow the Lamb wherever He goes (Rev. 14:4)? Make the Lord that one and only thing that you delight in and He will lead you to places where we never would have imaged we would go. We can go there because there is peace. Instead of worry about things, or trying to figure out what is going on, take those steps (whether in light or darkness) and know, within your heart and with your whole heart, that He is in complete control.

"Either He is in control or He is not in control!" 
God bless!

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