Sunday, September 7, 2014

What is Your Identity?

Sometimes I thought that it would have been easier to be an animal. They have no worries, they do not have a worry about self preservation of image, etc. They always seem content and sure that they will find what they need to stay alive one more day. However, I overcame that thought. It might be an easier route, but that is not the identity that the Lord has assigned to me. I am to be a human. A woman! We all have identities that are hidden and revealed. The thing that we worry about the most are those things which actually are hidden. We are so focused on our own faults and errors that we truly believe that others see them as clearly as us and are judging us. The truth is, we all are doing the same thing about ourselves. We all focus so much on our own self that we do not truly see another persons true identity.

Whether you believe it or know it yet, God is our Creator and He created everyone and everything for a very specific purpose! There is NOTHING that the Lord has created that can be deemed pointless from the beginning. There are dessert and dry wilderness experiences that we will face in our walk through life. During those times we will feel meaning things (empty, pointless, wandering aimlessly, etc). However, despite those thoughts, He does have a satisfying point and purpose for our life. We have to press through those hard and dry moments and be that faithful servant who serves the Lord despite what the circumstances around us look like.

Moses told the Lord that He could not speak (Ex. 4:10), however, the Lord took his mind and caused Moses to see things differently. Moses saw speaking as something that was pointless, hopeless, meaningless in his own life, but the Lord open it up in Moses and it blossom into a beautiful and bold ministry for Moses. God took Moses mouth and used it to set the captive (Children of Israel) free.

Naomi, who lost everything and began to see her life as pointless (not a suicidal pointless). Her name was changed to Mara, which means "bitter" (Ruth 1:20). However, the Lord was not finished with Naomi. He gave her a faithful daughter-in-law who stayed with her, took care of her, worked to bring food in. Naomi, who could not offer Ruth anymore sons, was not able to offer Ruth someone else in the family. Someone who was in a great position, who truly loved her and Ruth him. Naomi was able to give Ruth wisdom in handling situations that Ruth had never experienced or understood before because of different cultures.

We see, through these two examples in scripture, that the Lord took the meaningless and the bitter experiences and turned the tide. Do not make conclusions based on how you feel or what you see because we write others off and even ourselves off sooner than God does. He is a God of second chances and if we made a mistake, then He is more than able to restore. He is able! Do you truly believe? He is the God who created the Heavens and the Earth and nothing is greater or too difficult for Him!

Instead of telling God all of the things you cannot do; tell Him how you are an open vessel that is willing to be used to fulfill, by His grace and strength, the things that you are ordained, by God, to do! If you say you cannot, then you will not. If you place your trust in Him and understand that your are only a tool that is being used by God, then things will happen and lives will be changed. What is your identity? a cracked vessel that has given up or a restored vessel who believes in the God who is more than able!?!?

Many blessings!

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