Friday, April 3, 2015

Being Transparent in the Light

"And He shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgment as the noonday." Psalm 37:6

The theme of this verse is light and our character. Genesis reveals to us that God is the Creator of light and all throughout scripture, it is revealed that we must major in character. God created light because He loves everything it represents. Light reveals, nothing is hidden, transparency, and the list could go on.

We can either walk in the light or the Lord can shine His light on us to expose us. Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden, a place fully exposed to natural light and the light of Jesus. When someone accepts Jesus into their heart, the light of Jesus comes into them. That light then has a lifetime task to expose hidden, dark, and un-transparent areas in the Christians life.

"As the noon-day - The original word here is in the dual form, and means properly “double-light;” that is, the strongest, brightest light. It means “noon,” because the light is then most clear and bright. The idea is, that he will make your character perfectly clear and bright. No cloud will remain on it" (Barnes Commentary).

Looking at character now, Adam and Eve, they must of been prefect because they were created by God, right? That it's the truth, however, man was created with a will, a choice. God did not create man to be slaves or robots. He gave us a will of our own. What we will (our choices) to do reveals many things about us, but in particular, our character. Adam and Eve were tested and the light exposed that Adam chose human love about God's love.

Do not despise the light when it comes into your life because it is God trying to get your attention on a flaw in your character. We all have flaws and God knew them when we entered at the gate of salvation. The important thing now is, what will our response bee when the light comes and exposes a dark/hidden area? Let us be found humble and honest before the Lord.

Be blessed!

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