Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Something I learned by traveling a lot

You know it isn't until one leaves their country and returns that they realize how their people treat each other. I have been leaving traveling out of the country for about three years and every time I return I find myself being ashamed of the people who call themselves Americans.

We have been stuck in turbo mode and no one seems to take the time to care for someone besides themself! It sickens me when I go to ask for help and I get rude replies. No one even looks the other person in the eye as they pass by, nor say hello. Why is this???? Well I can tell you why. It's because of a stupid little device that is meant for good, but is OVERUSED!!! The cellphone!

Everywhere you go in America the number one thing you will find is cellphones. It sickens me when I see six year old kids with $80 cellphones. What ever happened to earning responsibility? Parents just give to their kids whatever they want...maybe if the parents took their kids phones and internet privileges and cut it in half they might see a difference in their kids.

What ever happened to kids playing out of the streets? or Adventure? Technology is a great thing, but people are over using it and now it is making us forget what really matters. People date and break up online, people do discusting things on their phones/internet. Do you really know what is going on? I'm thinking you don't know. This generation has learned deception and mastered too well.

I don't know who may read this blog nor what you think, but I am absolutely discussed and I pray that God will do a MIGHTY work in our eyes to what generation after generation closed theirs to!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Dumbfounded right now

The title of my blog is exactly how I feel right now. My mind is running through all the things I would love to share and yet my fingers cannot keep up 8'D Well, I guess it would be best to start from the beginning.

I already shared with you all that I went on a mission trip to Guatemala and how God use me to minister there. The day before departure God gave me a word through the man who allowed us to speak at the orphanage. God spoke that a great anointing would flow upon me in a way I've ever felt before. This brought me to tears because the presence of God was so strong at that orphanage. I asked God to bring it to our Church in Pennsylvania. I am believing that God will do that and more. He is wonderful that way :)

Traveling back home I sat next to an elderly lady and we talked. The feeling of sharing Gods work in my life with her was beyond breathtaking.

This one is small, but yet it gave me a chuckly because God does have a sense of humor :) I was standing in line, at the airport, getting ready to order some Chinese food. O wanted it to go so I could it in my gate area. I listened to the lay who was orderingbefore me and it was funny the woman who was servig her asked er f it was for here or to go. Just as Iwas wondering if they had to go boxes God was able to answer that question. I'm not sure how many of you will get a kick out of that one, but you know whenyou are returning to America there isn't much time to laught! -_-

I seek to Glorify my Lord in the big and especially the little. As you praise Him in the little, it will give you a strength that is necessary!

This is Mickey Mae saying, 'Peace out!'

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Being used on the Mission Field

I believe in a God who is so immacluate! I went on a missions trip to Guatemala for ten days with my father. God used me in ways I never thought would happen. I knew they could happen, but did not expect it to happen and in such a way. He has given me multiple opportunities to speak. I tell you what, if you have never gone on a mission trip. Pray about it and ask God if He would have you to go!!!!

A note for all who believe in God...if you are limiting God STOP IT!!!! It isn´t a secret...whenever you start ANYTHING new and out of your box that is called BEING STRETCHED and you know what it is scarey in the beginning, but as you continue on IT IS SO AMAZING. So I want to encourage you...if you are hearing God and He is asking/commanding you to do something, then DO IT!!!! There is Grace for everything. So STOP limiting Him and step out of your box.
I have gone, two years in a row, to Costa Rica with my church team. That was amazing too! As a team we were able to help out the missionaries in ways we didn´t even realize. We were able to show to the people who attend the Bible School or go to the church that there are people all around the world with the same vision and desires.

Back to Guatemala, we arrived late Friday night. Saturday afternoon God gave me the opportunity to share with the youth. It was really nice to be able to share with them, but I have observed that it seems harder to speak to the youth. You have a message and you want to make sure that they are understanding the importance of it, but they don´t show anything. So, even though it was difficult not knowing if they even received the message, I was happy that God used me. :-)

Throughout the week I spoke at a ladys breakfast and God really seemed to speak to them. I had two of the ladys ask me for my notes and another woman said that she could see Gods annointing flowing out of me. Praise the Lord for that! At the end of the week we went to the Molina´s Orphanage. That was an experience I hope to never forget. The worship was so amazing <3 One of the prophecys was to ask for more of His presences. That stopped me dead in my tracks because the presences of God was strong then I think I have ever known and for Him to say "Ask for more" that is amazing.

My time in Guatemala was beyond words! I have told you only a portion and I know that God has done something to me and I hope that He will continue to do His work in me!!!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Strongs: Of uncertain derivation; to ask (in generally): - ask, beg, call for, crave, desire, require.
Encarta: Wish for something, request something, craving, something wished for.

We are creatures of desires. Mankind does good or he does evil based largely on his desires
1.) Why should we be careful with our desires?
           a. Yes, it is so easy for us to feed our desires, and whatever we desire will take us
                down certain roads.
                      i. If we desire for things of the world then we will go down that road, but if we feed
                          desires of God then we will walk down the Godly road.
           b. As humans it is part of our nature to sometimes dwell upon things. Satan finds those
                people who beat themselves up and so he tempts them and then they begin to beat
                themselves up for it and they dwell upon it and get themselves into a knot. We must go
               back to the beginning and realize he was the one who tempted us, but we dwelled
               upon it.
                      i. God is not a condemning God as Pastor Frank said last week. He wants us to
                             stand up and brush the dust off and move on. Live and learn!

            “Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men. Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it, and pass away.”
                      - Proverbs 4:14-15

                   i. Avoid it: intentionally stay away from evil
                   ii. Pass not by it: plan to take a different route
                   iii. Turn from it: when you see it, turn away
                         (“thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil”)
                   iv. Pass away: let it always be behind you, in other words put distance
                            between you and it.

In other words, it all begins in the mind (the gates for the mind)

      "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, honest, just, pure, or of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."
                   -Phillipines 4:8  
Who/what should our desires be focused around? Why?

         a. The “who” is God! If we plan to hit the high mark of the high calling we must look to
                the one who hit that mark. Have the desire to be like Him and to please Him.
                     i. When you see two children playing together generally they have fun when the like
                           to do the same thing. When we have a relationship with God we must make
                           sure that we like to do the same things as Him. We are following Him, He is
                           the leader, and so we must make sure that we are
          b. What? This discipline takes sanctification of spirit which comes from meeting with God
                    i. Prayer: strong crying
         "Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayerse and supplications with strong
crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared;"
                           - Hebrews 5:7
                     ii. Study of God’s Word: By the washing of water by the Word (Eph 5.) You are
                           clean by the Word I have spoken (John.) By the renewing of the mind
                           (Rom 12:2, Titus 3:5, and Isaiah Butter and honey-chose good refuse evil.)

                     iii. Actions:

                     iv. Mortification: of the flesh
                              "Mortify therefore your members which ae upon the earth; fornication,
inordinate, affection, evil concupiscence, and
                                 covetousness, which is idolatry:" 
                          - Colossians 3:5

                     v. Sanctification: from the world
                              "And be not conformed to this orld: but be ye transformed by the
                                    renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good,
                                    and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."
                          - Romans 12:2 (Jesus prayer)

                     vi. Putting on the Armour: standing against the devil
                              "Put on the whole armour of Gd, that ye may be able to stand against the
                                 wiles of the devil...Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God,
                                 that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all,
                                  to stand."
                          - Ephesians 6:11,13

                     vii. Deliverance: sometimes the things one suffers, a particular weakness or an
                             area that cannot be overcome, are because of a curse handed down
                             generationally (this is more common than you might think!)

When does one know that their desires are now sins?

          - When the enemy (Satan) temps us with desires (ex. Sex, disobedience, relationships,
                   etc...) we must try our hardest to put them to death. In the Bill Wise
                    “3o minutes in Hell” he tells us how the that the strength of the enemy is
                    1000 times stronger than us. Sometimes we take those desire and try to kill
                   them our self, but we need to realize that we only have the power to
                   decide and give not destroy. God is the only one powerful enough to defeat
                   the enemy and we must give it to Him.

What should one do with their desires?

          - We have a certain knowledge of what are good and what are bad desires.

       When we know we have bad desires we must be careful and quick to get rid of them because if we dwell and feed upon them then it becomes a sin.

§ Bad desires:

* Anger (a strong feeling of grievance and displeasure)
* Disobedience (refusal to abide by the rules/laws)
* Idolatry (excessive admiration or love shown for somebody or something)
* Covetousness (long for somebody else’s property)
* Fornication (consenting sex involving somebody unmarried)
* Uncleanness (unchaste, religiously or ritually impure)
* Inordinate affection (excessive/unrestrained feelings)
* Evil concupiscence (wrong/bad lust or strong desire)

Why should our desires for God be strong?

       Eve in the garden: Her desires were tried. When she was tempted to eat from the forbidden tree her desires were tried. She listened and as she listened her desire for power was planted and watered and she gave into it.

       Eve had an evil concupiscence for that greater power, and she did not put to death that desire she fed it. That I believe is one of our generational curses. What we are given does not really matter, but more of what we do with it! We are given curses do we put them to death and receive something greater, or will we keep them and pass them on stronger?