Monday, August 9, 2010

Dumbfounded right now

The title of my blog is exactly how I feel right now. My mind is running through all the things I would love to share and yet my fingers cannot keep up 8'D Well, I guess it would be best to start from the beginning.

I already shared with you all that I went on a mission trip to Guatemala and how God use me to minister there. The day before departure God gave me a word through the man who allowed us to speak at the orphanage. God spoke that a great anointing would flow upon me in a way I've ever felt before. This brought me to tears because the presence of God was so strong at that orphanage. I asked God to bring it to our Church in Pennsylvania. I am believing that God will do that and more. He is wonderful that way :)

Traveling back home I sat next to an elderly lady and we talked. The feeling of sharing Gods work in my life with her was beyond breathtaking.

This one is small, but yet it gave me a chuckly because God does have a sense of humor :) I was standing in line, at the airport, getting ready to order some Chinese food. O wanted it to go so I could it in my gate area. I listened to the lay who was orderingbefore me and it was funny the woman who was servig her asked er f it was for here or to go. Just as Iwas wondering if they had to go boxes God was able to answer that question. I'm not sure how many of you will get a kick out of that one, but you know whenyou are returning to America there isn't much time to laught! -_-

I seek to Glorify my Lord in the big and especially the little. As you praise Him in the little, it will give you a strength that is necessary!

This is Mickey Mae saying, 'Peace out!'

1 comment:

  1. Rebecca... You are so amazing to me! I get such a kick out of you... Love, Dad
