Saturday, August 7, 2010

Being used on the Mission Field

I believe in a God who is so immacluate! I went on a missions trip to Guatemala for ten days with my father. God used me in ways I never thought would happen. I knew they could happen, but did not expect it to happen and in such a way. He has given me multiple opportunities to speak. I tell you what, if you have never gone on a mission trip. Pray about it and ask God if He would have you to go!!!!

A note for all who believe in God...if you are limiting God STOP IT!!!! It isn´t a secret...whenever you start ANYTHING new and out of your box that is called BEING STRETCHED and you know what it is scarey in the beginning, but as you continue on IT IS SO AMAZING. So I want to encourage you...if you are hearing God and He is asking/commanding you to do something, then DO IT!!!! There is Grace for everything. So STOP limiting Him and step out of your box.
I have gone, two years in a row, to Costa Rica with my church team. That was amazing too! As a team we were able to help out the missionaries in ways we didn´t even realize. We were able to show to the people who attend the Bible School or go to the church that there are people all around the world with the same vision and desires.

Back to Guatemala, we arrived late Friday night. Saturday afternoon God gave me the opportunity to share with the youth. It was really nice to be able to share with them, but I have observed that it seems harder to speak to the youth. You have a message and you want to make sure that they are understanding the importance of it, but they don´t show anything. So, even though it was difficult not knowing if they even received the message, I was happy that God used me. :-)

Throughout the week I spoke at a ladys breakfast and God really seemed to speak to them. I had two of the ladys ask me for my notes and another woman said that she could see Gods annointing flowing out of me. Praise the Lord for that! At the end of the week we went to the Molina´s Orphanage. That was an experience I hope to never forget. The worship was so amazing <3 One of the prophecys was to ask for more of His presences. That stopped me dead in my tracks because the presences of God was strong then I think I have ever known and for Him to say "Ask for more" that is amazing.

My time in Guatemala was beyond words! I have told you only a portion and I know that God has done something to me and I hope that He will continue to do His work in me!!!!

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