Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Something I learned by traveling a lot

You know it isn't until one leaves their country and returns that they realize how their people treat each other. I have been leaving traveling out of the country for about three years and every time I return I find myself being ashamed of the people who call themselves Americans.

We have been stuck in turbo mode and no one seems to take the time to care for someone besides themself! It sickens me when I go to ask for help and I get rude replies. No one even looks the other person in the eye as they pass by, nor say hello. Why is this???? Well I can tell you why. It's because of a stupid little device that is meant for good, but is OVERUSED!!! The cellphone!

Everywhere you go in America the number one thing you will find is cellphones. It sickens me when I see six year old kids with $80 cellphones. What ever happened to earning responsibility? Parents just give to their kids whatever they want...maybe if the parents took their kids phones and internet privileges and cut it in half they might see a difference in their kids.

What ever happened to kids playing out of the streets? or Adventure? Technology is a great thing, but people are over using it and now it is making us forget what really matters. People date and break up online, people do discusting things on their phones/internet. Do you really know what is going on? I'm thinking you don't know. This generation has learned deception and mastered too well.

I don't know who may read this blog nor what you think, but I am absolutely discussed and I pray that God will do a MIGHTY work in our eyes to what generation after generation closed theirs to!

1 comment:

  1. Let me just follow this up with an additional comment. In my day when the parents did not want to deal with their children the set them in front of the television set and let it babysit their kids. Then when they grew up and became difficult the parents cried "where did they pick up that behavior"?

    The media babysitting youth today is interactive, fast and vile; the potential for danger is very high and yet youngsters are left alone with these devices to babysit them. As parents we need to get a handle on these things or we will get children without morals or boundaries of any kind...
