Thursday, November 25, 2010


~ Happy Thanksgiving ~

Today is one of my favorite holidays and yet it is a Holiday that is so very ignored :(

Thanksgiving is a day where one can truly sit back, if they want to of course, and look at what their life has been. Now, here's the part that I like: if I, looking back, see that when a situation comes up and I mostly think the negative, I realize that I have been looking at life in the wrong eyes. God's eyes are the ones I want to be looking through! It is an opportunity to get back on the right path in this area!

This year, for me, went by fast, but God accomplished A LOT in this quick year. He brought me through so many things, opened my eyes to things that He wants to deal with, opened my mind to a different way of thinking in situations...I really could keep going. I could cry the tears of joy because God is good ALL the time. These words really mean nothing until God brings you through situations where at the end those words are flowing out of your mouth! One can tell themselves 'God is good all the time', but one should ask God to bring them to the place where they truly believe it.

I want: thankfulness to be manifested in me everyday! I want to get to the place where God can use me to show others true deep thankfulness and to work it into their hearts. I thank God for those who tend to make things difficult because I know that God has brought them into my life to show me something. Weither it be a lesson to learn, an area to be strenghtened or an area that needs to be removed. God can use anyone and I want to be used by God in a way where He is pleased with me!

It is hard to always be thankful in America because everything is at our reach. We are able to borrow money so that we can get what we want. We keep borrowing and borrowing and we get into so much debt that we work our whole life trying to pay it off and somethings leave the debt and our kids have to pay it off. What do we see in these products that causes us to desire them so much? I know not. We have SO much...we want a cookie right now just go to the store and buy one. Want a meal without making it? God to fast food or restaurants. Want clothes? Go to the mall and buy the newest fashionable apparel. Want water? go to the sink. Shower everyday, open your fridge to food, watch TV, surf the net, heat your food in a microwave, want to talk to your friend about gossip use your cell, want milk go to your fridge. The list really goes on. I have taken multiple trips out of the country and these are only a few of my observations! I honestly dread coming back to America because our attitude and mind set stinks! We are so unthankful of how much God has blessed this land.

When I see someone at my work who does a no call no show or shows up late I want to ask them why? Aren't they grateful for their job? I know it isn't going to be their career for life, but go to a third world country and you can find people who work and work hard and for what? They only will get paid two weeks out of the month and maybe $100.00. We get so mad when people from another land comes over here and they get jobs. Why do you think employers sometimes hires them over Americans? Maybe it's because they see that they will be committed, work hard, and be thankful for what they shall receive. My concluding thought in this is: I love thanksgiving and I pray God will manifest a deep thankfulness into my heart and not let the bad attitudes of others rube onto me!

I am so thankful for my family and the Peace that God has brought into this home!

Please feel free to share you thoughts and what you are thankful for :)
Have a Wonderful & Blessed Thanksgiving!


  1. I had a wonderful time with family this evening. Spent the morning with my sisters and dad. My dad and sister went over to grandmas to watch the dog show <3<3<3 and I stayed home with my other sister cleaning the house for a surprise. After the dog show we all came home and got ready to go over to my aunts house. It was a wonderful time. Afterwards we headed home and watched 'A Christmas Carol'. God is so good and I thank Him for this Wonderful Thanksgiving!

  2. Thanksgiving is my personal favorite holiday. Besides the food and sharing memories of old with family and friends, I always reflect upon my life and how I got where I'm at through all the ups and downs from the year. I look at all that i have going for me and realize that I could have it much worse. Even the rough times, as bad as they may seem, they could always be worse.

    As for people from other parts of the world "stealing" our jobs, you hit the nail on the head. We as a culture have come so overwhelmed with having anything and everything whenever we want them that we over look the fact that we do have them. This blindness makes us not appreciate what we do have and therefore we have no reason to work hard. So I'm all for hiring the hardest working individual even if they arent American.

    I'm thankful for having the life I have. I know its really vague, but when you appreciate everything, there isn't anything you take for granted. From running water, to friends and family, to having a job, to having good health, I'm grateful for everything, or at least I try to be.
