Wednesday, November 3, 2010


This is a word that when heard sends shivers down ones spin. No one really likes to sacrifice and it is actually sad. In today's time our views of value/or worth of things has taken a turn for the bad. Adults would call off work to play video games, stay home on Sundays to watch the football game, or go to the bar instead of staying home and being a parent to their kid(s). Not many take the sacrifice of staying home with their kids and having family nights, or waking up before noon on Sundays to go to church, or even going to work: on time and without a hang over.

We rather stay up til two o'clock in the morning watching TV, playing video games, or getting drunk when we know we have to go to work the next day. We are so willing to make time for that TV or those video games, but not for our kids or for spouse. We have been given time and we just waste in on the mall, video games, technology that we'll only use until something newer comes out, then we'll buy that one.

Christ desires a relationship with us and in order to strengthen it sacrifices must occur. Getting up earlier to meditate on His word, ending your days activities a little earlier so that you can sit down and pray in the secret or with your family, or even teaching your kids about that Christ you believe in. Sacrifices are seen in Gods eyes and He will reward you for those sacrifices. Sacrifices are hard to do and it must start out little by little and day by day, but eventually that sacrifice eventually no longer become a sacrifice, but a necessity.

I hear continuously from Christians that they long for revival, but you know what when revival comes we must be equipped and in order to be equipped we must have those sacrifices. When revival comes, Christ will need those wise stewards all over the nations. All those who sacrificed little by little and dug those ditches. The parable in the Bible where there was drought and one day the people were told to dig ditches because water will come. Some sacrificed a lot and others just a little and some not at all. The next day water came and those who obeyed and sacrificed their time to dig their ditch received much water. Revival is like that water. When it comes those who sacrificed shall be used by God. There will be people who will want to be used, but will realized they didn't sacrifice time for God to manifest His gifts in them.

Sacrifice is so very important especially now! Sacrifice your time, dig your ditches and when the reward comes it will be great and worth it all.

God Bless!


  1. Excellent thoughts! You're a very well-rounded young lady! :)

  2. Becca, when did you become so wise... Dad

  3. Learning from and observing the wise :D:D:D:D:D
