Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Fathers Provision

"Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor
reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father
feeds them."
Matthew 6:26

As you read this verse you will quickly realize it is not a very well known verse. Looking at this verse, the point may be apparent to many who read it, but I hope that as we read it God may speak something specific to you through this verse.

The main points are: the birds, sowing and reaping, and the provision of the Heavenly Father.

Man is constantly sowing and reaping something everyday. If you are not familiar with the term "reap what you sow" then it means this: if one sows they are investing in something that they think will later on have a reward worth it all. Reaping is the result of your investment [sowing].

If a farmer sows [invests] much of his time into planting a good amount of his crop, then later on when the harvest time has come, he will reap [the result] a great reward- much food to either sell or feed his family.

So, back to 'Man is constantly sowing and reaping something each day.' If you sowed bad habits when you were younger, later on in life you shall eventually reap the consequence's. Sadly when one realizes and wants to change they are older and find it much harder to break those habits that they invested in for years and years. My point here is: we invest so much time into things, but do we invest enough time into thinking about what is the wiser choice? We have a Creator...are we investing time into our relationship with Him?

God provides for these birds, as this verse clearly states, so why wouldn't He provide for man? The answer is He does provide! He is our Jehovah-Jireh! Do we invest enough time into recognizing this? Invest in the right things and with the right reasons. 

God is our provider invest your time into Him and your relationship with Him and you shall reap a reward that is greater then anything reward this world offers can be! Why? Because His is a reward that is everlasting!

May we seek to know our Jehovah-Jireh "The Lord will Provide"!

God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. Rebecca, this is very good; you have a great mind for insight, you will do well as a teacher...
