Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Late Christmas from the Anderson Family :)

I don't know about you guys, but Christmas this year snuck up on me! I could not believe that it has come and gone.

Christmas Eve I worked and God helped me through it all. It was quite busy, but there was peace among us all. After work I had a power sleep before we headed over to my Aunts house where our WHOLE family gather each year. 8*) It was nice to see Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, and Grandma.

After stuffing our faces 8-) (hehehe) and visiting we made our way home to pray and opened one present. :):):):) That was a delight! I opened my fathers present for me which was a gloriously beautiful necklace. I cannot describe it anymore that I already have, but I was extremely grateful for it. Thanks pappy 8*D

Christmas day 8-D8-D8-D8-D8-D8-D We had a WONDERFUL brunch that my younger sister prepared for us and then the presents. This years gifts were wonderful...I got not what I wanted, but what I needed and I loved it :)  

God Blessed my beyond words this year! He has brought me through many trials, worked in and out of me many things and He has given me promises that I hold on to! There were wise men who travelled to bring three gifts to Jesus: Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh. I want these three to be worked into me! Gold speaks of Divine nature, Frankincense speaks of faith and Myrrh of meekness.

Another Christmas has gone by, another year coming to an end and a new year approaching. My question for you is: What are you doing? Do you have God in your heart? If so, is He alive and real in you/to you?

I ask myself these questions too and I hope that we all will be honest with ourselves. God is life and if you have that life in you are you feeding that life? He wants to know you and you Him in a deeper and greater way. So get going! 8*D 

~ God Bless! 

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