Saturday, December 4, 2010

Luke 11:33-34

"No man, when he hath lighted a candle, putteth it in a secret place, neither under a bushel, but on a candlestick, that they which come in may see the light. The light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light; but when thine eye is evil, thy body also is full of darkness."

I picked these verses because it is this time of year :-) I'm sure that most of us have heard the 'Jesus Birth' and also the 'Three Wise Men'. These two have to do with light! Jesus is the light of the world! [Matthew 5:14] and also the Three Wise men followed a star that was so bright. That leads me to the question that I want to ask you. What light are you following?

In this world there are many lights. There are two specific ones that I want to touch: the light of the world and the light in the world.

The First Light: 'Light of the world'

"The light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light..."

As I already stated earlier Jesus is the light of the world. He was sent here to be the light by living a live of man. He was the light, or in other words, mans example. He walked this earth going through the trials and joys as man goes through. He walked each day teaching man what we are to do when we are in a situation. He knew His purpose and He submitted to His Heavenly Father! He could of hated His Heavenly Father for giving Him such a purpose, He could of given into the fame and misuse His power. Instead, He chose to be that light His Father asked Him to be. That is the light I want to be following. It is a light that is bright, one that I want dwelling in me, and one that I never want to be ashamed of nor hide! This light is one that burns in you and God uses it to move to specific areas in your heart that have been in darkness for too long. He uses that light to open your eyes to something new.

I like to sing one of the songs that my sister, Leah J. Anderson, wrote:

One burning desire to be more like you,
How long Oh Lord, til I awake in your likeness?
Empty me of every hindrance

Fill me, with more of your Spirit,
Lord, I surrender all my will,
Let your hand come touch my heart once again,
Conform me Lord to your plan

I don't want to be the same
Change me in your presence day by day

This song, to me, has the perfect words for what I want to say about the first light. God gave her these words and they exactly what I wanted to end with on this first light!

The second Light: 'Light in the world'

"...but when thine eye is evil, thy body also is full of darkness"

This light is a temporary light, one that can be put out. This is the light that everyone can see and is attracted to. It shows you all the riches and glories of treasures that seem desirous. It closes our opened eyes and makes us blind! The enemy uses this to take our focus off the true light and once our focus is off the true light our attitude begins to change towards that everlasting light. We become ashamed of it and we then 'put it in a secret place' so that no one can see it!

This light will give us a false vision! It will show us only one half and that half is the glory's of the treasures in this world. It will not show us what the consequence of it all is!

In conclusion, I have told to you that there are two lights and what the two lights really are, now I want you to really think about what light you really are following (and please be honest it's only between you and God)? I would encourage you to follow the true light. To take your candle and go light your world!

~ God Bless!


  1. In my life so far, I have to say that I have followed both of these lights, but currently doesn't seem like I'm following either, is that even possible? Is it a bad thing that I don't acknowledge either light in my life right now? Does this idea alone mean I'm following the light in the world?

  2. One is always following or being one of these two lights, whether they believe it or know it not. I say this because if one chooses not to follow the true light (God) that, in itself, is the first step of following the second light (world).

    I would say it is a bad thing. There are people who are considered 'on the fence'. What I mean by this is they agree with both lights and cannot figure out which one they want to follow or they chose to not acknowledge the lights. This is where 'it's a bad thing' comes in: one can only stay on this fence for a time and then they are brought through a certain trial which makes them decide. Many fall on the wrong side of the fence and live the rest of their life wanting to get out of their sins, but finding themselves too weak to leave them.

    I do not know and I would not tell you a definite answer, but if you know you are not following a light you need to find the two lights and figure out: which one you are willing to commit to following and being for life, and go with it!

    Thanks for the questions. Please tell me if this response is clear to you.

  3. When you put it like that, it makes perfect sense. You have a way of breaking things down so the less intelligent can understand all the complexities of things. I guess all I need to do is find these lights in my life and decide which one I want to follow. Thanks Becca.
