Friday, April 8, 2011

A Heart Fully Committed to God

Man needs to face the biggest giant of all and that is the need for a pure heart.

Psalms 19:8 - "The statues of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes."

When our hearts are pure our eyes have a clear vision and our heart has a certain understanding and ability to interpret scripture with a right mind. Understanding is more an issue of the heart than the mind. Truth is only revealed to the honest and pure hearts!

Our greatest foe is a heart that is not fully surrendered to God! The issue is not the hearing of truth but the love for it!

From Dr. Paul G. Carams book, Hermeneutics Keys for Interpreting the Scriptures, He says, "Deception overtakes people not because truth is unavailable, but because "men loved darkness rather than light." They did not receive a love for the truth. I say it again, our heart must be fully surrendered to God.

God wants us to dedicate our lives and be changed by the renewing of our minds. Having the mind of Christ. In the book of Matthew chapter eleven and verse twenty nine, he brings out two aspects of Gods nature: meek and lowly [humble] heart. We, as Gods people, must be willing to be humbled and meek. Dwell and abide in His presence because He dwells with those who have a humble and contrite spirit!

We must have a humility in our mind and esteem others above ourself.

My final thought is God allowed us to be on the border, but we are now in a time where God is commanding us, His people, to make a decision. He doesn't want us to be forced to serve Him, but to have a willingness! A heart that is fully committed to Him! Single eyed!

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