Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Seven Pillars of Wisdom: Leadership V.1 By Dr. Brian J. Bailey

Wisdom is one of the qualities of 'Great Leadership'. (Wisdom is the ability to make the right choices.)

The seven pillars of wisdom are:

1.) Pure- Victory over the passions and lusts of the flesh (free from discordant [disagreements]qualities). Our motives must be pure so that when we are held up to the light we may be found true and not deceitful.

2.) Peaceable- This word means to have a peaceful nature.  One who is peaceable seeks to live in unity with others.  (The key to unity is humility!)

3.) Gentle- One must remember that we must have the law of kindness on our lips when we speak! A leader must have gentle speech and remember who they are speaking to.  So many tend to be rough with people and in so doing they wound the sensibilities of those to whom they are speaking to.  (* A leader must remember that his speech and touch must be cradled in gentleness!)

4.) Easy to be intreated- Intreated means to plea to someone.  So, easy to be intreated means that he is one who gives a listening ear to those who have a need/plea.  He is sympathetic to the views of others and yields in the unimportant matters in life.  Most people now don't even give a listening ear, but a leader is and must be willing to listen and give what he can.  (Be that leader who people come to because they know he will listen! Also, make sure you have discernment!)

5.) Full of mercy and good fruits- As a leader you must realize that those whom you are leading will continually fail, but the constant admonition (cautionary advice about something imminent [concerning something that will occur soon]) we are given is, "You must never give up on them!" Remember, though we fall, though we fall, we shall not be cast down for the Lord upholds (causes us to remain or last) us with His hands! We shall not be cast down for He is upholding us with His hands. So as leaders under Christ we must not cast our sheep aside, but be a Christ-like leader and uphold them. Don't give up on them!!!

6.) Without partiality- This means that leader must treat all equally regardless of the position or relationship!!! Favortism does not please the Lord and He will deal with those who have partiality in them! It is easier to like those who obey you and seem to never faill, but God wants us to leader everyone and by everyone He did mean those who do well and those who seem to fail, fail, and fail! Jesus came to earth and was the example of a leader and who do not see anywhere in the Bible Him showing partiality. (Invest you time in those who seem to keep failing! God never gives up on upholding us! We must not give up upholding eachother!)

7.) Without hypocrisy- A leader must be genuine!!!!! God does not want us to be double life leaders! Those who have been given a leadership position and are a hypocritical with it! (Be that leader who practices that which he preaches and encourages others to live by!)

I am doing a study on leadership and I am studying from "Leadership" by: Dr. Brian J. Bailey.  If you would also like to further your study in the area of leadership, please visit and type in 'Leadership' in the search box and purchase your own book for only $8.00. Also, feel free to browse through all of the books and see if there are some other books you might be interested in purchasing and studying.

God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. Becca, your blog is one of my absolute favorites; you are wonderfully creative!!

