Wednesday, September 7, 2011

We make time for the things we love/treasure the most!

God has been teaching me lately about time and what I am spending or even investing my time in doing. Time is important and what we do with it! Most people would ask why is it important to worry about how you spend your time? Life is short and you should just enjoy it. Well it is true, our life is short here on earth, but that is why we must be wise with our time. Revival is near and God is trying to prepare His people for what is coming. I know that I don't want Revival to come and I'm found not prepared! Even thinking about that makes me realize that my Heavenly Father would not be pleased with me and I live longing to find His favor upon my life! In our Wednesday service our speaker said these words that touch me in a great way, "Only those who please God can find true contentment." I want God's favor always to be on my life.

We are living in a generation that waste their time watching too much TV, texting, sleeping too much, over eating, partying and the list goes on. God wants to show us new and amazing things, but we tend to fill our time up so that He can't show amazing things. I attended our church camp last month and each day we experience new and absolutely amazingly new things! I want to get to the point where I have that everyday of my life! Walking with Jesus everywhere I go!

Preparation is a daily task! Each day God has planned before the creation of the Heaven and Earth and I don't know about you, but I want to find out what God has planned for me and walk in it daily! I want to invest in my Heavenly Home! I do not want to get to Heaven and find that I wasted so much time and settled for less then what God had planned for me!


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