Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I was sitting in one of our Bible Certificate Program at my church. The course was on "True Christianity" a book written by Rev. Paul Caram. This book is an excellent book! It is an eye opening and convicting book! This evening our teacher taught on a portion of "Strength" and I wanted to share some of the pointers on strength and what it is. Mostly because it was an eye opener for me and I want it to be one for you too.

In this day and age, Christians, are without a doubt struggling left and right. God is bringing trials into our lives and it is to cause us to make a decision! No more "sitting on the fence"! God does not force us to do anything. The Christian walk is one that we follow Gods way, but we must remember that it is a choice. Some aren't willing to make that choice, others are, and many are in between. We are always hearing about Grace and asking God to give us Grace, but I also feel that we lack in the area of asking for strength! 

What is Strength? 
Wisdom, humility are both strength! Being able to handle failure is a sign of strength (not giving up even though it gets tough). Strength is also, being ruined by success (don’t allow yourself to become over confident). It is the ability to cope with reproach and not being governed by those who reproach you. It is also facing the lose of something. 

When do you know that you have true Strength?
The mark of true strength is to not be easily turned to the right or the left. Also, by having a right response to difficulties and long delays. Strength is when you are able to conquer fears. Fear is what takes away our faith and strength. There is a good and a wrong fear. We need to learn what our fears are and pray that God will help us to over come them because wrong fears can paralyze us! God wants us to overcome our fears because if we don't then they will keep us from entering into His fullness for us and our inheritance!

Properly handling injustice/hurt. God is more interested in how we handle our self and attitude then anything else. Our dependence should be found in God! Strength is not depending on our own strength, but it is depending upon God. Be whole hearted and filled with the Fruits of the Spirit! God wants His people to be fully equipped for what He has planned for us! We must realize that we are the Joshua Generation, the generation that will bring our land to deliverance but we cannot do it with our own strength! We need the continue day by day strength of God!

Blessings to you all!

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