Sunday, October 2, 2011

I was walking this evening in the rain and I wanted to pray, but I didn't really know what to pray about. So, when you don't have anything to pray for speak in tongues. A little after I started speaking in tongues God put some words in my mind. "Lift your vision high, we're in a way we've never been before! For without a progressive vision you will dwell carelessly" and these words kept going through my mind and each time God brought His feelings about this into my heart. He caused me to feel the seriousness of these words in this day and age!

In our morning service my Pastor spoke on the defense part of an army. God is raising up an army and we must listen to what He is teaching us! We cannot go into battle when we have no equipment. We must be equipped, have the strength and knowledge to handle the equipment, and lastly have our complete Armour on! Also, we must make sure that our WHOLE Armour is on and that there is no space for the enemy to sneak through!

Another point my Pastor brought out was that God wants us to be studying and continually learning because we MUST have the answers for the people who have questions! We sometimes may pray for God to give us people to minister to, but if we have no knowledge of what we say we believe in then He cannot use us to do what we ask Him to do! He wants us to be continually learning, meditating day and night, and equipping ourselves with the answers to questions that people will ask us!

The next thought God brought to me was on 'Difficult'. Each day is a new day full of new things both easy and hard. God is strengthening and maturing His army by bringing them through difficult trials. When things get hard, will you just give up? or will you fight the good fight?

One last thought: Matthew 22:14 -  MANY are called, but FEW are chosen! God wants those who are faithful, tried, and true! The ones who listened and equipped themselves with the truth and those who will fight the good fight!!!

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