Sunday, October 21, 2012

Arise, Joshua Generation!

We are living in an Age like no other! We are the "Joshua Generation" who will soon obtain our inheritance. We need to be a ready people so that when the time comes we are not just standing with ignorance on our faces. Joshua was one who sat in the back and learned all of his qualities in the secret. When it was time for him to arise and lead the children of Israel into their inheritance, he was a ready vessel.

Moses was able to enter into the presence of the Lord and receive the answers immediately and leave. Joshua, instead of looking at Moses and being discourage that God wasn't doing the same thing with him, waited. He waited patiently in the presence of the Lord for the right answers. He allowed God to bring him into the proper maturity in the proper season.

For example: one doesn't plant a peach seed and shout at it to immediately be a fruitful tree. The proper cycle is to plant, water, give it proper sun, and wait. That is the same cycle for us, we are seeds who are planted and we must be patient and allow God to water us, give us the proper weather and we will bloom in the right season.

Everything we do here on earth is just a preparation for our eternal life. If we waste our time here on earth with the temporal things, it is possible to still make it to Heaven, but we will not be a ready vessel to do what God has for us to do in Heaven. We can do anything, but our hearts desire should be to do what He has predestined us to do and be. Joshua could have forced himself to be in leadership while Moses was still alive, but he didn't. He took advantage of all the season of preparation and allowed God to make him a ready leader.

Some have sought to find out what their calling is at a young at and that is good, but we must not try and make things happen in our own time, strength, and way. The peach seed may be a peach tree, but there is also a proper time to pick that peach of the tree. We don't want to be picked or pick ourselves off during the hard and bitter tasting staged, but during the proper juicy stage.

The last days are drawing near quickly and we are on a verge of a breakthrough in Revival. A revival that no man has ever seen; we God's people will be busy helping the lost come to Christ and establishing them in the right ways. We cannot do this if we haven't allowed God to do that in our own lives. If we are not fully established, then we cannot help others to be fully established in Christ. If we don't read the Word daily, then we cannot minister in the streets of hunger souls without a Bible. If we don't hide in the refuge of the secret place, then we cannot tell others of how wonderful God's presences is and what He is/means to us.

We are the "Joshua Generation", those who will lead the people into their inheritance, but we must be prepared ourselves. Are you ready? Are you presenting your hearts wholly to the Lord daily? Forget about yourself and don't think of the pain, but allow the light to shine into your heart. Let God deal with you now here on earth, instead of later when the judgment will be eternal.


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