Sunday, October 21, 2012

Women in the Book of Ruth

In studying the life of Naomi we see that she is an excellent example of what a godly woman is. Examining her life, it can be said that she stayed the course that God had set before her no matter the circumstance. When everything earthly was taken away from her, her true spiritual identity was revealed. She lost her earthly love, Elimelech (Ruth 1:1-2), her only two sons Chilion and Mahlon (Ruth 1:2). She lived in a foreign land (Moab), and no longer had any earthly security. Her affections were set on things above and not on things from this earth (Col. 3:2). We also learn from Naomi that those who endure to the end shall receive peace and security. Her earthly security was stripped completely away, but she kept her trust in the Lord, held her peace, and received Heavenly security.

Naomi represents Christ. Christ, while He walked on earth, sought continually the Fathers will. Naomi sought out God’s will in everything she did. She also secured her daughter-in-law, Ruth’s, future with Boaz. She counseled Ruth and guided her down the right path. Christ came to earth to not only make a way, but show us how to live the life.

Naomi, I believe, can also represent a female Job. She was striped of everything. When she lost much on earth, we see where her eyes truly were set. Her eyes were set on things above and not on things of this world. She lost her earthly security, husband and two sons, but her eyes were on Jesus and she trusted in Him. She went where He wanted her and stayed where He wanted her to stay. She is one woman who is a perfect example of one who put her complete trust in Jesus in every trial and situation that faced her. She praise and gave thanks to God in the pleasant and rough times.

She was the mother-in-law of Ruth and Orpah. In the first chapter we she Naomi’s love was equal towards Ruth and Orpah. As the chapters’ progress and we see Orpah went back to her home land and Ruth stayed and travelled on with Naomi. Naomi’s love increased for Ruth. She felt that she had to secure Ruth’s future and find her a proper help mate. She always looked for what was best for her two daughters-in-law. As life unraveled itself we see Ruth stayed with Naomi and Naomi’s focus then was solely on Ruth’s future.

Her trust was solely in Jesus Christ, Son of God. When a situation arose, she sought the Lord for His will. When she lost her two sons and husband she didn’t get bitter towards everyone. Her love for her two daughters-in-law remained the same and equal. It is important to seek the will of God in every situation. So many lives depend on what we do and what we need is found in God and God alone. We must hold our peace and let the Lord fight our battles. He guides us through speaking through other people, scripture, and through speaking to us personally.

In studying Ruth we learn six levels of consecration and we can narrow them down to three basic truths: submission, acceptance, circumstances. She submitted to Naomi and to the God that she served. Ruth had a complete consecration and submitted herself under Naomi’s authority, covering, and God. She accepted her situation that she was a widow and didn’t live in the past. She followed Naomi and choice to ask for Naomi’s permission to work in the fields.

I’m sure that it was a struggle for her when she made the choice to remain with Naomi. When she was tested three times to go back to her “carnal” nature, we are shown where her heart truly was. She was consecrated and loyal to Naomi and the God of Naomi. We know that it takes a commitment to be used by God. Examining Ruth’s life we see that she committed her life to follow and to take care of Naomi and through that God was able to use her.

Ruth represents the Gentile Church. She was a person who entered into the same covenant with God that was promised (Gal 6:16). Just as Ruth followed after Naomi and her instructions, the same is towards the Gentile Church. The church follows after Christ and His instructions to us. Her relationship with Naomi and Orpah changed as circumstances changed. She had a love for her sister-in-law and her mother-in-law. As the tests began to arise in hers and Orpah’s lives we see that she drew nearer and closer to Naomi. He love for Orpah was cut off as Orpah made the decision to go back to her native land. Ruth knew very little and that I think was an aid in helping her to draw closer to Naomi and putting herself under Naomi’s authority.

In studying the Ruth’s life and all the choices she made, I find a lot of truths that apply to my personal spiritual walk. Lately God has been speaking to me about being totally consecrated unto God and Naomi. She chose to submit to Naomi’s authority even though she had the youthful strength. She accepted the people of Naomi’s native land and the God of the land.

Another application is on circumcision. God has been speaking to me lately on the circumcision of my heart, lips and ears. Ruth allowed God to cut the gods from her native land out of her heart. To cut everything, from her old life, in Moab out of her heart. She gave up everything and allowed God to bring her to something new. God wants to do that same thing in my life and reading how Ruth allowed God to do His work, it helps me to give up my will and allow Him to cut those things He does not want in my heart out. Never once did I read of Ruth complaining or criticizing Naomi nor the people of Israel. Her home land, Moab, was one of Israel’s enemies. We know that her lips were circumcised because she did not criticize the people or complain. For me it is easy to complain about anything, but God wants to cut that off my tongue. He has called me to the nations and He wants to cut that nature out of me so that it will not hinder the will of God.

Lastly, the circumcision of the ears, Ruth was listening to the right voices. She asked for Naomi’s advice or correction, she saw that Boaz was a godly man and she listened to his instructions. There are many voices in this world today and it is important that our ears are circumcised to hear the right voices. If Ruth did not listen to Naomi and Boaz, if she listened to the voices of the people who hated her, then she would have lost the best that God had planned for her. She would have received the second best.

It is said to say that there isn’t much to say about Orpah. She settled for God’s second best in her life. She start out on a good path and was heading in the right direction, but then when her heart was tested she fell back. She did not break away from her hearts desires and she turned back to Moab and is never heard of in scripture again. She settled for something lesser than what God had planned for her. The beginning is not what matters the most, but it is how we finished. Orpah began well, but her heart was towards her lands gods and so she turned back and settled for something less.

She represents someone who was on the fence and when her trial came the fence was shook and she fell on the side her heart desired the most. She is the example of what I said earlier, those who settle for second best. They will make it to Heaven, but when they arrive they will have a certain sorrow in their hearts because their heart was before God and they settled for something lesser. We have a choice: to have our hearts desires before God or to give our hearts desires to God?

She had just a common mother-in-law daughter-in-law relationship. Orpah loved Naomi, but her desires were above Naomi. We see this when she was being tested on their way to Bethlehem Judah. She was given a chance to go back and stay in Moab with her family, gods, and find another husband there. She reacted according to her hearts desire. God gave her continual opportunity to follow after Him and He had something in-store for her, but she chose to go different way. We will never know what God had for her, but we do know that if we don’t listen to what God is touching in our lives daily, then there will only be a time where He will give us what we want.

She chose to look at the situation too much. Her focus was too much on earthly security and pleasures and when rough times came her way, she didn’t look to the Lord to satisfy those areas. Naomi told to her that she cannot fulfill her needs and that is all Orpah saw. Ruth saw that yes, Naomi cannot fulfill her needs, but the God she serves can. Ruth sought after that, but Orpah sought after the tangible.

In my own personal spiritual walk, I want to continually make sure that my ears and my heart are open. Listening to which door God is knocking on and using my lips to pray the right prayers. I don’t want to end up like Orpah who looked at her situations and thinking of tangible solutions. I want to look at my situations in the eyes of the Lord. To have His perspective of the situations in my life, not mine own. Lord, not my will, but Thy will be done!

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