Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Unforgiveness & Circumcision

"And Abraham was ninety years old and nine, when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin. And Ishmael his son was thirteen years old, when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin."
Why did I write that verse? It is because I want to talk about circumcision and how it is still relevant in our generation. We seem to have a thought that circumcision is only for a certain age. It is never to late nor to early for the Lord to operate on our hearts. In the Old Testament we see it represents the Old Covenant and that covenant referred to the fleshly action. After the blood of Christ was shed we have been given a New Covenant and this covenant refers to the spiritual aspect. This passage in Genesis refers to the flesh, but we can apply this to the spiritual side. No matter how old or young we may be, God can still circumcise our hearts if we all Him to do so.

We have many holidays fast approaching: Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. We tend to go from Halloween straight to Christmas and completely skip the holiday of thankfulness. We must be careful to not put our minds so far in the future that we loose sight for the present things. We must be careful to not loose the thoughts of thanksgiving.

A Pastor explained the heart in a way that opened my eyes and helped me to understand it a little more in the spirit. Our hearts have many chambers and that is the same concerning our spiritual hearts. Each chamber has a name and a purpose of flow. When one has a heart attack it is because a chamber has been blocked and nothing can go through anymore. One of our chambers is called unforgiveness.

In Isaiah 28:10, "For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:" We tend to let go on the "little things" and not realize that a lot of little things over time will cause a blockage in the chambers of our hearts. If we don't practice forgiving people in the little things, when the big trial comes we will not be able to forgive.

Mark 11:25-26, "And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses. But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses." There are many who are called to pray (Jam. 5:16). Did you know that if you have a blockage in our life that it will effect your prayers. Take heed to what the Lord says to you. We can pray, but if we have a "clogged artery" in the chamber of unforgiveness, then it will be a hindrance. Once that hindrance is removed, then our prayers may be lifted up.

When God is showing to us His mercy and making a way for us to give to Him our problems, then we must be quick to respond (Ps. 103:8). Make sure that you are practicing your quick response to the Lord. We should not take what the Lord has to say lightly because He sees what is ahead and knows that we need to remove this hindrance otherwise we will have unnecessary scares. Those who do not listen and obey immediately a lot of time suffer unnecessary battle scares. Take heed to the warning of our Heavenly Father no matter how hard or painful it is. God has the grace and strength and if we ask Him for it and seek for it, then He can remove it.

Don't be so focused on the promises that when God puts His finger on an area of our life we aren't paying attention.

God Bless!

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