Thursday, April 25, 2013

Be Careful about Complaining!

Mornings, I don't usually enjoy waking up especially when it is freezing cold, I only got a little bit of shut eye, or I have sore joints. A few months ago, I became aware, through the kindness of the Lord, that I would wake up and complain (in my head) about various things. As soon as I realized this I became ashamed of myself. God gave me a new day and each new day I started it out with complaining and not having a right attitude anything. Does anyone ever "enjoy" listening to someone complain the moment they first walk in to see you? I know I would not enjoy that and yet that is what I was doing to my Lord. He gave me a new day with new grace and new experiences and learning's and yet I would immediately say, "Oh why can't I sleep until 9?"

It is so easy to complain now a days about anything and everything: "This person isn't driving fast enough" or "Oh no, not him/her, I hate talking to them". Be careful about complaining and especially about complaining where you are at in your life. If you know that you are in the place that God wants you to be, then rejoice that you are in the center of Gods will for you life right now. It isn't easy, that is for sure, but it is precious to our Father. He delights in us when we choose to bless Him name and praise His name, even when it isn't easy (Ps. 34:1).

I want to bring joy and delight to my Father, not complaints and bemoaning about someone/thing. God is the only one who remains faithful in our lives and we do not want to push Him away. Let us be drawn unto Him and that is only through Him coming and drawing us to Him. God will not come if we just complain and talk about everything that is going wrong in our life.

I think you get my point. Let us all be encouraged and strive to do the hard but right thing. It takes three days to break a bad habit and three days to make a good habit. The beginnings usually are not easy, but if we have a vision for the end, then maybe it will make it a little easier to press through the difficult parts. Set your face as a flint, as Jesus Christ did, and press onward, blessing the name of Jesus and praising Him all day long.

Blessings to you all!


  1. Thank you so much for this reminder! :) Blessings to you too!!

  2. What a wonderful thought Mickey Mae!! I appreciated it very much...
