Monday, April 29, 2013

"Don't Stop! Keeping Filling me Up" cries my Heart

Sense school has ended and I have returned back home I find myself in between two battles. It did puzzle me, but I find that if I ask God then He will answer me the truth. I have been wondering, "What is my heart hungry for?" I find myself always on Facebook, always checking my email, and always checking my phone to see if by chance anyone has sent me a text. By that I would think that my heart was hungry for something temporal and unsatisfying. Then again, I find myself more and more drawn to the living word and studying it and knowing it more and more. By that I would think that my heart was hungry for something eternal.

The fact that I forgot and was the key to understanding this is simply the old man and the new man. I sometimes tend to forget that the old is only on the cross and I can take him off the cross anytime I want. That hungry for something temporal is a scented smell of temptation to bring him down. I don't want to feed that though and so every time I felt drawn to Facebook (even though I was on it five minutes ago) I choose to cut that and do something else.

We may, at times, find our hearts drawn to something that shocks us. Don't except it as that's who you are, but remember that we are trying to be drawn off course. Drawn off from our studying, drawn off from our Heavenly desires and drawn towards the wrong things. We are in a race to pass that which Satan has failed and he will try his hardest to draw us away from what we are suppose to be doing. What are we suppose to do? We find that out as we study, sit in the secret place, and listen to the voice of the Lord that is telling you what to do.

I am not saying that Facebook, email, texting, etc is bad, but I do want us all to be careful. Don't be consumed with temporal things because over time it can steal our hunger away.

I hope that this encourages you all.
Blessing be to you all!

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