Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Arise O Bride of Christ

God is looking for more Davids, Moses', Elijah's, Jobs, Abraham's. Why? Because they were all men who had hearts that hungered and thirst for more of Him. They were men who had problems (just like every human has problems) and yet they didn't allow those problems to prevent them from moving forward. God brought them into their own unique ministries and are a tremendous example to us all! Jesus is drawn to those who have hearts that are hungry and thirsty--for those who are not content staying where they are at, but longing for more.

Psalm 34:8 “O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusts in him.”
He wants us to have a personal and fresh revelation of who He is. Don’t be content with hearing from others who He is, but seek, hunger, and thirst for His righteousness to be filled in you. Taste and see that He is good!

Arise, Bride of Christ! If you believe in Jesus Christ, then what are you waiting for? Go ahead and get to know Him in new ways. Think not about what the world may think of you, for we were not sent here to worry about what the world thinks. We are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Lord. Our King is returning for us soon and we MUST be ready!

Those men were well aware that their Savior was coming and what did they needed to do! They prepared the way and we must stop being stagnant and start believe God to move in us and through us in NEW and MIGHTY ways that we have not seen or known before.

Limit not our Father for if you only think Him capable of doing that which humans can do, then why, may I ask, do you believe in Him? He is the Creator of Heaven and earth and may we truly believe that nothing is too difficult for Him! I say it again, Arise O Bride of Christ and shake the dust off of you and start moving on in Christ! Dare to be all that God has planned for you to be!

God Bless! 


  1. Thanks for posting this Rebecca, gets one thinking and asking the Lord for His desire and increase our faith to BELIEVE! :) Blessings on your message tonight :)

  2. So true! Thanks for posting. :)

  3. Amen Carla! It sure did stir something within me when the Lord spoke this to me.

  4. Def a word in season for me... thanks for sharing!!
