Sunday, December 1, 2013

Keep the Light Shining on the Right Path!

I have been meditating and re-meditating upon Psalms 119:105, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet,
and a light unto my path." I want to briefly example this verse to you, the way I see it.

First thing this verse addresses is our feet. We must not forget to study God's Word daily because it is through reading His word daily that we can begin to see the condition of our feet. It is important that our feet are in good condition so that we can walk the Christian walk properly and at the correct pace. No one will survive if they have sore, scabby, and blistering feet. Our feet must be properly cleaned and covered by the right shoes.

Second thing this verse talks about is the path. The word is a light unto our path and each day we are to be taking one step in the right direction. How can we make sure that we are going in the right direction? By reading the word daily! If you don't, then you are as a person who is wandering aimlessly. Having no vision (which we attain by reading scripture) and press toward no mark.

We want to find out where we are to go (have a vision) and to keep the light on that path (by reading God's word daily) so that we don't lose the path and wander in another direction. Don't allow yourself to stop reading God's word every day. If you miss a day, don't be discourage, but read even just one verse. If you do not have a time where you meditate and read God's word, then I recommend that you start. Cry out to God that He would give you a love for His Word and an unquenchable hunger for His Word.

God bless!

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