Tuesday, December 10, 2013

God is Faithful--Only Wait

"When I cannot understand my Father’s leading, And it seems to be but hard and cruel fate, Still I hear that gentle whisper ever pleading, God is working, God is faithful—Only wait." –A.B. Simpson

What an encouraging quote this is for me right now. When I first read this quote, I will admit that I did not fully grasp everything that the writer was saying. Now that I have read and re-read it and meditated on those words, it makes sense to me. I hope that it ministers to you if you are struggling right now in your walk with the Lord.

We aren't always going to know or understand what the Lord is doing or where He is leading us. God did not give Abraham specific instructions, He just told Abraham to go and leave his home land. That is how it is for us, God does not tell us everything right up front. This is how trust is worked in our lives and how it becomes a part of us and our every day life. Many times I have said, "If I just knew everything right now, then it would make things so much smoother and easier." The more I think about this the more I realize how wrong I am :) Yes, I admitted that I am wrong! If we knew everything in the beginning, then we would just be thinking of all the possibilities, analyze everything to try and find a "better way" to do God's will. His will is the absolute best will for us and we must stand on this truth and trust in God. In Proverbs 3:5, we are told to "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." Lean on Him and He will cause you to understand what you need to know. All of the knowledge and understanding that we have now is from Him and because He has allowed us to have it. God's ways are so high, so great, and so perfect and amazing that no man is able to attain a full comprehension of His purpose and will. 

I remember, as a little kid, how I would get so frustrated (sometimes to the point of crying) in school because I could not understand what I was being taught. It is hard when you are being taught and nothing is helping you to understand what the teacher is trying to impart into you. That is how many may feel when they are living each day when they don't understand what is going or where they are going. The wonderful thing is that God is not a selfish or deceiving God. He wants us to know and to understand. He doesn't want us running around in circles, crying tears of frustration, or being lost. God wants His people to trust in Him and to know what they need to know in His perfect time.

I am taking a class this week on "Prayer" and one important thing that my teacher has bee emphasising to us is that: we need to pray a prayer. Those who have a prayer life are those who have order. and they have a real relationship with God. Those don't just know God through what they read in the Bible or what they hear their Pastor preach in services. They have a communicating relationship with their Heavenly Father. They have disciplined themselves and practice praying every day. That is how we learn to do something and perfect it in our lives: practice it. I want to be able to confess to God and man that I know that it is okay even though I don't exactly know what is going on. When we pray, there is an impartation of peace, from God, that passes all human understanding. It's like we are in the middle of a maze and we have no clues and no signs to direct us to the exit. However, we have peace and we don't get frustrated. We walk through the paths until we finally find the exit. Praying is a key tool that helps us to get through life, which seems to be like a maze at certain points in our life, and make to the end. Hitting the mark is only accomplished as we choose to never give up and continually choose to trust in the Lord. We really can only trust in the Lord as we choose to surrender our human intellect and learn His nothing is impossible for God to do. 

Practice and discipline yourself to pray each day; so that way you can hear "that gentle whisper ever pleading, God is working, God is faithful—Only wait".


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