Saturday, January 25, 2014

Are You Leaning on Your Beloved?!?

I just completed a class on the book of Song of Solomon. It has been a very encouraging, enlightening and motivating book for me!

Through reading, what most would call a "love letter", there has been a stirring within me to desire new growth in my spiritual life. To become a little more mature and to have a deeper relationship with my Beloved Heavenly Father. We can only come into His presence when He draws us, but what makes Him want to draw us? It is a heart that is wanting to do what is right and pleasing to Him. I want to have that heart that yearns for more of Him and desires to do what is right. Having all these hindrances, idols and distracts cut off from me and out of my life so that I can be just one step closer to Him.

Reading through the different stagings of the Shulamite woman's response to the relationship she had with Solomon; it posed the question within my heart, how do I view my relationship with Christ? Am I making all the callings and saying all the commands? Yes, I am ashamed to say that that is what I saw when I looked upon my relationship with Christ thus far. I had the opportunity to go and minister at a nursing home today and I felt the Lord's presence there with me. It was so wonderful and I didn't want to let it go. He place upon my heart to share about experiencing His love each and every day. There are so many dimensions of His love as we read in Ephesians 3:17-18. He wants us to experience new love every day. I come to the point that I didn't want to go to the nursing home in the first place. I had a lot on my plate already, but I decided to go anyways. I allowed God to make that decision and it turned out better than I imagined. I no longer want to be the one who is "running the show" in our relationship. I must learn, now, to start asking God what He thinks in every word, situation, and decisions I have to face.

I share my heart with you in hopes that you can examine your own heart and desire too a deeper relationship. One that is you totally leaning on your Beloved. Coming out of the trials of valleys and wildernesses where you are leaning more and more on your Beloved. It won't always be easy, but remember that we serve the same God of Jacob. Jacob had character flaws, but he had a heart that desired to do what was right and God worked on him to free him from the hindrances. He came out of those experiences leaning on the Lord. As you continue to have a heart that desires to do what is right and you obey what He says, then He will help you through it all. He will bring you in the trial, remain with you faithfully through the trial, and you will find yourself coming out of it leaning on Him.

God bless!

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