Sunday, January 5, 2014

Along Life's Narrow Way

Thinking about this new year and my heart's desire is not to fulfill my wants and my ideas of "happiness". I want to draw closer to my Creator. As I reflect on times past and realize what I have done, I see that I am nothing without Him! I want, not only more of Him, but also I want God to be my all in all. I say that He is my everything and I want my actions to reveal my words to be true! I don't want to be one who is full of words, but to be one who has actions to prove my words to be true. I this year to be one where I draw closer to the Lord and have the actions that prove that He is my all in all!

Below the image are words that the Lord has given to me. You can call it a poem if you want, but this is a cry of my heart. May it minister to you as it has to me :) 

Along Life's Narrow Way

You are my Light and Salvation;
Only in You will I trust.
Shine Your light deep with my heart,
And help me to walk in Your ways.

Lead me, Lord, I pray.
Cleanse me with Your living Word.
Guide me with Your light and Spirit,
Along life's narrow way.

You are my Rock and my Fortress;
Only on You will I stand.
Though Satan may temp me,
Still I choose to follow You!

Help me, Lord, to obey.
Direct me by Your Grace.
Sustain me with Your love,
Along life's narrow way.

- Rebecca M. Anderson

God bless!

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