Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Clouds...does anyone take time out of their EXTREMELY busy day and just look up/out at the sky? God has blessed us SO much and yet we do not even take the time to look at what is FREE! The sky, the grass, the water, and the seasons smells all so wonderful and free and yet we ignore it.

Which brings me to a saying that recently has spoken to me. "If one is not content/satisified with what they already have; then they shall not be content/satisfied with what they want!" We have SO much and yet we don't seem to widen our thoughts of gratitude towards it. We have green grass, clean water, beautiful sky, and fresh air and yet we take it forgranted. We don't widen our mind: there are places on earth without grass, clean water is a rarity, and the sky which may be empty or contantly full of raining clouds. What God has blessed us we, we seem to push aside. We seek for something "greater" and yet we blind ourself to the reality. The reality of it will only last a time, as year past things become upgraded. It catches your eye and makes you want it.

People say they need to try things just so they can say that they tried it, but this is very dangerous! Yes, I do think that people should try things, but to an extent!!!! People try dangerous things like drugs or clubs and they walk right into a snare and they find they cannot get out of it. Some things are better left a mystery in our eyes! Satan (god of the world) makes his temptations sound so glorious, but he only shows you one side! He does not show the ending the results. Commercials advertise beer and shows the glorys, but not the ending...waking up with a horrible headache, the addiction, or the waking up in your own vomit. Things are temporary and I think we need must think about if it is worth it?

In conclusion to my thoughts, we have become a fast paise world and we should stop and take time to realize if what we are investing in and if it is worth it?

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