Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Witness For the Word: Leah Joy writes her first song...

Witness For the Word: Leah Joy writes her first song...: "When we were returning from Niagara Falls on Elizabeth's 21st birhtday; Liz was driving, I was chattering away with her in the front and Lea..."
You are the one that we praise!
You are the one we adore!
You give us healing and grace our
hearts always hunger for!
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Monday, September 27, 2010

Father of Lies

Satan is the Father of lies. What makes him so good at lieing? At convincing others so easily of his lies? It is because he knows the truth and he believes that the promises of God are true. He tries to come in and twist the truth around say some of the truth, but add some lies to it to lead us astray. He believes very much in the promises that God gives to us, even more then the believers themself. Satan wants to come in and hinder these promises.

In the end times the father of lies will speak and people, even believers, will believe these lies. This puts a fear in me because I do not want to be that fool. This father of lies is doing his work even now. He speaks lies to us that will convince us and then as humans we do the self destruction. He whispers something false to us and once we dwell upon in and start to believe it, then he lets go and we shut down.

God comes and speaks to us and then Satan comes in and tells us lies. 'Did God really say that?', 'Why would God need you to fulfill tha?' and we #1 listen, #2 dwell among it, #3 then we begin to believe it! In Proverbs 4:15 that you should: 'Avoid it!!, Pass not by it!!!, Turn from it!!!, and Pass away!!! This was Eves problem. She hear the serpant, but she did not avoid him, she listened and when she heard the lies she did not turn from it, but she continued to listen until she believed those lies. She saw the tree and it became good in her sight and she took the fruit and she ate of it.

It is important, especially in a time like this, to obey Proverbs 4:15! To put yourself under stable authority and to listen and obey that authority(s)! It will do you know good if you do not obey! [also, you must seek God for that authority! you cannot just pick the authority because you will pick someone in whom you know will tell you what you want to hear and do!]

Avoid it, Pass not by it, Turn from it, and pass away!

Never Under Estimate the Power of your Actions!

A quote that God continually spoke to me my senior year was this, "Never under estimate the power of your actions. With one small gesture you can chang a person's life. No matterwho that person may be, God puts us all in each other's lives to IMPACT one another in some way. Actions speak way louder then words."

This message has been proven to be so true. People at my work know that I am a Christian and they see my actions. Now sometimes it is hard because people think Christians show be a list of things, but it isn't that way. If you are a born again Christian; then you strive to make sure that GOD screams out of everything you do. My senior year is over, thank God, and you know this quote was really hard for me. Every day wasn't a new joy, but a continuance of yesterdays drama and frustration. People wouldn' forgive and forget. They would hold on and which really tries the attitude of those who have forgiven and are trying to forget.

People see us (Christians) and you know what it's true. So many lives depend on what we do, upon us fulfilling the Call God has upon our life! Which is always why we must be continually crying out to God for continual patience and strength. Ask Him to put a song in your heart or if you don't like to hear yourself sing ask Him to put a message or a prayer in your heart. 'When you're about to give up, remember what made you hold on for so long' in other words, when you feel like you have no more strength remember the source of all your strength(s) in the past an cry out to Him! He will never leave you nor forsake you so don't leave Him. Don't allow yourself to listen to the Father of lies because guess what GOD CARES! He always has and He will continue to do so! He loves you!

So remember that your actions are being watched, the heavens are recording them. Do not underestimate the power your actions possess!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Your Creator

Remember your Creator! Put Him first!!!

Read Gods is important in your walk with God. Of course it isn't good enough to be able to quote scripture, but God did give it to us to bring comfort, to continually come back to the True source of truth and walk in it! Also, (Jeremiah 4:4) By the knife [sword of the Word] can we have the old nature cut away. If we live in Christ we must have a death to the "old man" [old nature/habits] and bring life to the "new man". We feed life to the "new man" by reading His word and walking in the light! We feed the "old nature" by allowing the life in the "new man" to die away and also through continual disobedience. DON'T ALLOW IT!

He created the Heavens and the earth and He wants us to enter into the fullest that He has ordained for us! God gave us His word and we should use it! Know your creator, love your creator, and walk with Him all the days of your Life! When you are suffering He understands because He suffered for more then us. Know that through that suffering the end will be worth it all.  The beginning does not matter, the middle does not matter, the end does! Make it right with God...HE is merciful and wants to see us make it! Remember your Creator! Put Him first!


Time hardens your heart and it is so very important to seek the Lord when you are young! Life hardens your heart unless you have Christ in you and you are allowing Him to continually melt/mold your heart!


Obedience is something that we are always learning!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Second time in San Jose/Shirjoles Costa Rica 2009

Well this second time around most of the team members are the same. We are talked and agreed that traveling down to Costa Rica felt like it was a continuation of the year before. This feeling was so felt like we went to America for a week vacation and now we're returning to finish our work. Praise the Lord for giving us that attitude. Our team name this year is "The Servants of Christ" and not to boast, but I believe we all came with a servants heart. We were all determined to finish the work in which we start the year before. We, for the most part, did accomplish everything. Again, Praise the Lord!

It was great to see God touching the new people (in the church and on the team). It did bring some sorrow to our hearts when we quickly realized who all became offended or bitter and left the church. Seeing God minister to them and bring their siblings to Christ and then returning and see that they didn't really receive the message. Always brings sorrow to ones heart.

I went house visiting the second day and that was very nice. We went to a ladys house and her daughter was there, she was about my age. God put that girl on my heart and I think about her often. I really felt that as she was sharing with us some of her struggles that God wanted to steep his comfort over her. To help her through these things and that she needed to put her trust in Him and rejoice. I pray God really touches her heart in a way that catches her eyes and that they may be fixed upon Him!

Again, the last three or four days we stayed in the city and had our fun as a team. Last year we did not have the time to walk around the city and shop, but this year we did :) We didn't get to go deep into the city because it was dark and that's not the greatest time to see the city or shop. So we waited and went shopping the next day. I must say that this year was better then last year, hotel wise. Last year our reservations were mysteriously erased and the hotel lied and said that there were no more rooms, but there were and he eventually gave them to us. We ordered Dominos pizza and that was nice, but this year. WOW :) now we actually had our rooms and they were NICE :) and we at upstairs on the absolute top. It had glass windows all around so we had the most beautiful view of the city and the food was fantastic!

Back tracking I forgot that both last year and this year we stayed in another hotel prior to this one. It was exotic and I really liked it. The second year they had made some changes and it was still exotic and better looking :) The second time all the girls and women were able to stay in a house, which I really liked that too :) Which brings to my memory that while we were in the jungle the guys decided to put frogs in the girls cabin...which none of us knew about until the next day because one of the girls woke up and saw them and removed them from our room before anyone woke up. heheh
This year was wonderful and I am sad to think that it might be a while before I will go back :(

First time to Costa Rica...First time out of the Country 2008

The first time out of the Country (besides Canada). It is pretty wild, but i'm liking it. I was used by God to help the Sharp Family. I was put out of my comfort zone, which all need to be once in awhile, and it really opened my eyes. People always tell you things and you don't really believe them because we have it so good, everyone else should be having it 'so good'. It was wonderful to minister to the people there and help the Sharps out. We were able to live our lives there and show the people down there that there are people who have the same vision as Pastor Curtis and Sister Cathy.

It was wonderful to see new senary as well. I love the jungle areas and it was quite a treat to be able to stay in the jungle for a week. While we were there we helped make improvements on the Sharps house and some odd jobs on the other buildings on campus. The ladys were able to go house visiting for the first three or four days and that was a joy to go around the village and visit the people on a one on one basis. It was rough the first time because we all are new and haven't quite jumped into the 'i'm in a different country' mode. The next couple of days we helped out with VBS and that was also a blast and a step out of my comfort zone. Here we are ministering to the youth who don't really understand nor speak our language, but we are allowing God to still use us. That was such a blast and a wonderful experience. I believe it helped those who are called to another land to get a sneak peak at what might be one day what they will be doing for the Lord. Who knows?

After the week was up we packed our bags and headed into the city. We still have two or three days left and so we have a blast as a team :) We go zip lining over a jungle and river, boating and see Costa Rica crocs, water rafting, and a couple other things. It was such a blast as a team. We had some time to relax in the hotel and talk amongst each other about what the Lord spoke to us during that week in the jungle. It was wonderful that our team was able to work with such unity and no complaints :) God is so Good and I hope that this will be the first of many more missions trips!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Clouds...does anyone take time out of their EXTREMELY busy day and just look up/out at the sky? God has blessed us SO much and yet we do not even take the time to look at what is FREE! The sky, the grass, the water, and the seasons smells all so wonderful and free and yet we ignore it.

Which brings me to a saying that recently has spoken to me. "If one is not content/satisified with what they already have; then they shall not be content/satisfied with what they want!" We have SO much and yet we don't seem to widen our thoughts of gratitude towards it. We have green grass, clean water, beautiful sky, and fresh air and yet we take it forgranted. We don't widen our mind: there are places on earth without grass, clean water is a rarity, and the sky which may be empty or contantly full of raining clouds. What God has blessed us we, we seem to push aside. We seek for something "greater" and yet we blind ourself to the reality. The reality of it will only last a time, as year past things become upgraded. It catches your eye and makes you want it.

People say they need to try things just so they can say that they tried it, but this is very dangerous! Yes, I do think that people should try things, but to an extent!!!! People try dangerous things like drugs or clubs and they walk right into a snare and they find they cannot get out of it. Some things are better left a mystery in our eyes! Satan (god of the world) makes his temptations sound so glorious, but he only shows you one side! He does not show the ending the results. Commercials advertise beer and shows the glorys, but not the ending...waking up with a horrible headache, the addiction, or the waking up in your own vomit. Things are temporary and I think we need must think about if it is worth it?

In conclusion to my thoughts, we have become a fast paise world and we should stop and take time to realize if what we are investing in and if it is worth it?