Sunday, September 12, 2010

Your Creator

Remember your Creator! Put Him first!!!

Read Gods is important in your walk with God. Of course it isn't good enough to be able to quote scripture, but God did give it to us to bring comfort, to continually come back to the True source of truth and walk in it! Also, (Jeremiah 4:4) By the knife [sword of the Word] can we have the old nature cut away. If we live in Christ we must have a death to the "old man" [old nature/habits] and bring life to the "new man". We feed life to the "new man" by reading His word and walking in the light! We feed the "old nature" by allowing the life in the "new man" to die away and also through continual disobedience. DON'T ALLOW IT!

He created the Heavens and the earth and He wants us to enter into the fullest that He has ordained for us! God gave us His word and we should use it! Know your creator, love your creator, and walk with Him all the days of your Life! When you are suffering He understands because He suffered for more then us. Know that through that suffering the end will be worth it all.  The beginning does not matter, the middle does not matter, the end does! Make it right with God...HE is merciful and wants to see us make it! Remember your Creator! Put Him first!

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