Monday, September 27, 2010

Never Under Estimate the Power of your Actions!

A quote that God continually spoke to me my senior year was this, "Never under estimate the power of your actions. With one small gesture you can chang a person's life. No matterwho that person may be, God puts us all in each other's lives to IMPACT one another in some way. Actions speak way louder then words."

This message has been proven to be so true. People at my work know that I am a Christian and they see my actions. Now sometimes it is hard because people think Christians show be a list of things, but it isn't that way. If you are a born again Christian; then you strive to make sure that GOD screams out of everything you do. My senior year is over, thank God, and you know this quote was really hard for me. Every day wasn't a new joy, but a continuance of yesterdays drama and frustration. People wouldn' forgive and forget. They would hold on and which really tries the attitude of those who have forgiven and are trying to forget.

People see us (Christians) and you know what it's true. So many lives depend on what we do, upon us fulfilling the Call God has upon our life! Which is always why we must be continually crying out to God for continual patience and strength. Ask Him to put a song in your heart or if you don't like to hear yourself sing ask Him to put a message or a prayer in your heart. 'When you're about to give up, remember what made you hold on for so long' in other words, when you feel like you have no more strength remember the source of all your strength(s) in the past an cry out to Him! He will never leave you nor forsake you so don't leave Him. Don't allow yourself to listen to the Father of lies because guess what GOD CARES! He always has and He will continue to do so! He loves you!

So remember that your actions are being watched, the heavens are recording them. Do not underestimate the power your actions possess!

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